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The experiences of history prove that it is impracticable to rely on America-Part I

Sayyed Mahdi Nourani

14 Dec 2013 21:04

When going back to history, we soon discover that the Americans have consistently, constantly, and continually breached their pledges and agreements, and this habit is ongoing and continuous i.e. not to fulfill the promises.

As we discover, too, that every state, every country, and every leadership, in particular the leaders, officials, and the heads of the Arab and Islamic countries, who rush to reach to the American administration to satisfy it and try with all their might to please it, they, sooner or later, witnessed with their own eyes the collapse of the internal security system and the fall of the political regime in their states and countries.

A good lesson and proof on that is the result of all the matter in Libya, which has entered into an agreement with the United States to give the Americans the nuclear program’s file, in all its details, as well as what happened in North Korea, in Iraq, and in Egypt, and … the list goes on ... Is not this enough to prove that relying on the American administration is impracticable, and that it can never be trusted?!

Libya and its nuclear program in the era of Muammar Gaddafi was a good lesson to everyone related to the fact that the Americans have breached the promises and that it is unfeasible to rely on America. Gaddafi, because of his determination to proceed with the nuclear program, faced several diplomatic pressures, and because of this as well, the U.S. administration intended with its Western allies to impose a wide range of sanctions on Libya and on the Libyan people.

The Libyans found themselves trapped, on the one hand, because of this flood of severe and stringent sanctions, and on the other hand because of the political and diplomatic pressures, what led to putting Libya on the list of the states sponsoring terrorist acts!!
Moreover, the U.S. aircrafts and Air Force have consistently violated the Libyan sovereignty and airspace, and America was justifying this by different justifications, although it was probably aiming at targeting the places where Gaddafi was found and at assassinating him by one of its air campaigns.

Since 1979, the year the pressure on the Libyans began, and until 2001, the year the start of negotiations was formally announced between the two countries, Libya was facing a large stream of sanctions, which spared no vital field in the country.
In 2001, the first preliminary hearings for negotiation between Libya and the West started. Then in 2003, and due to the war of aggression waged by the United States on Iraq, the Libyan-Western negotiations gained a more serious form.

Gaddafi, who has agreed to assume responsibility for the attack on the aircraft of the airline company (Pan American World Airlines), which was known as the Lockerbie incident, decided to compensate the victims of the attack for the losses. On the other hand, he took the decision to enter into negotiations with the Americans to lift all the sanctions imposed on Libya, provided that Libya give up completely its legitimate right to have a peaceful nuclear program in return.

In spite of all the conditions and demands of the U.S. administration at that time, yet Gaddafi agreed on them all, noting that those American demands included: Libya has to take the initiative to sabotage its nuclear facilities and to transfer them outside the Libyan territory to another country determined by America itself, to allow absolutely and unlimitedly the international inspectors who belong to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to enter, and to stop at the same time all its nuclear activities, that include enriching, producing and processing.

Libya, which had been placed under tremendous international pressure on the backdrop of its nuclear program, found itself eventually forced even to provide for the Western parties information on how to obtain the equipment related to its facilities for nuclear energy. Libya for its part also announced its full readiness to cooperate with the United States of America to eradicate terrorism on its territory that is represented in al-Qaeda organization and its fighters.

After meeting all the American demands and conditions, Libya managed to witness the cancellation of a number of sanctions against it. At the same time, the head of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) presented to the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. ambassador to the Zionist entity presented to the Security Council as well a vigorous objection, both of them protesting against the efforts to lift the sanctions on Libya, taking numerous charges against the Libyan regime as a pretext.

In 2004, one year after the Libyan-American convergence, Libya signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and opened its doors in the face of the American and British inspectors to enter its territory and to destroy what is owned by Libya of facilities, equipment, and weapons.

Based on the information that the Libyan sources talked about at that time, everybody knew that these frequent visits- entering into the country and leaving it, which were in turn an essential part in defining and shaping the Libyan relations with the countries of the world and with the international institutions and bodies- were hiding a lot of leaks and information that were classified by Libya as top secret and very important, which contain detailed information about the infrastructure in Libya, and about what is found in this country of strategic and sensitive points.

In contrast, Britain signed in 2006 a military security Convention with Libya, known as the (common message on peace and security between the two countries). Based upon this agreement, Britain has to take the initiative to provide support and protection to Libya in case it was exposed to any external attack.

For their part, the Americans - in order to prove their good intentions - intended to sign memoranda of understanding and economic cooperation, and certainly, of oil cooperation, with Libya.

However, as usual, and before these agreements and memoranda reached to the stage of the procedure and the full implementation on the ground, the West began to violate and to breach their promises and agreements.

Five years after signing these agreements, the United States rushed along with its permanent ally Britain to bomb the Libyan territory and to launch air campaigns against it under the pretext of the rising opposition against the regime in Libya! Britain, which had once pledged to defend Libya in case any military attack was launched against it by any other country, participated itself in this attack on Libya, and it had a direct presence under the cover: the coalition forces, or the forces of the NATO. At that time, the British officials have had an advanced position, when they announced that as long as unrest is ongoing and continuous in Libya, the British troops will remain present on the territory of Libya. Hence, events continued this way until Gaddafi fell and lost everything.

Story Code: 330712

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