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Hezbollah: We have nothing to do with the Syrian internal affairs

9 Oct 2011 09:54

Islam Times - The Deputy Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, stressed that the Islamic Resistance has nothing to do with the Syrian internal affairs, and that breaking into the Zionist Embassy in Egypt is a spontaneous popular expression in consistent with the convictions of the Egyptian People, which hate the Zionist entity, and this reflects the trend of the Egyptian street.

His eminence Sheikh “Naim Qassem”- in a special interview with the correspondent of the ‘Fars News Agency’ (FNA), on the margins of the General Assembly of the World Academy of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) under the title of “The people of the house and the Islamic awakening”, which took place in the Islamic Republic of Iran- pointed to the step taken by the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah i.e. going to the United Nations to demand a recognition to the 1967 borders. He stressed that the Islamic Resistance believes in liberating Palestine as a whole from the sea to the river.

The following is the text of the interview in full:
FNA: Welcome in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the beginning, we would like to mention what is happening in Syria; we see some parties are accusing the Lebanese Hezbollah of standing by the Syrian regime in suppressing the opposition in Syria through involving in the clashes there. What is your response to those accusations?

When the others are unable to promote their project, and when both the West and America want to ruin our region, we find them when being weak highlighting Hezbollah to say that some alien or foreign hands are causing this pressure. Therefore, they justify their inability or the failure of their project. Again and again, Hezbollah confirms that it has nothing to do with the Syrian affairs at the field level found there truly, and the same goes for the Egyptian, Libyan, Tunisian, Yemeni affairs and any of the affairs of the different countries. Each country has its specific cities and circumstances and takes care of its own affairs. Hezbollah is interested in practically following-up its status in Lebanon. Thus, any claim that Hezbollah is involved in the confrontations taking place in Syria or in other countries, is wrong, unjust, and untrue.

FNA: How does the Lebanese Hezbollah sees what happened in Egypt recently i.e. breaking into the Zionist embassy? Do you think that this step would be repeated similar to what has been done by the Iranian students who stormed the American spy den in Tehran at the beginning of the Iranian revolution?

The Egyptian people reject the Israeli occupation, and all the attempts that took place during more than thirty years to normalize the relations between the Egyptians and (Israel) have failed. Therefore, there was an opportunity for the Egyptian youth to express their discontent and anger, especially after the major humiliation sent by the Zionists to them after the ‘Eilat operation’, which killed a number of Egyptian soldiers. Those young people with their spontaneous step expressed their view points and stormed the Zionist embassy. If truth is to be said, I consider that what happened was a spontaneous popular expression in consistent with the convictions of the Egyptian People, which hate (Israel), and reflects the trend of the Egyptian street. As for whether this scene is going to be repeated in other places, I have no idea. This is linked to the peoples and to the circumstances in which they live in their own countries and the extent of their belief in this trend.

FNA: What is your comment on the step taken by the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah i.e. going to the United Nations and demanding recognition to the 1967 borders? Do you think that this would be a useful procedure for the Palestinian cause?

We do believe in liberating Palestine as a whole from the sea to the river. However, if those proposals cover only part of Palestine based on the conviction of some Palestinian officials as a step on the path of the full liberalization, it is then a tactic that is related to their own affairs, and we do not engage in this debate. We only limit ourselves to declare our basic stance, which is the full liberation. We are with any step that will lead to the full liberation, and we are against any step that excludes the full liberation. This is related to what the relevant people are thinking of.

FNA: In your own point of view, what is the best solution to the excesses of the Zionist enemy regarding the water resources of Lebanon?

The Lebanese government clearly defined the geographical and water boundaries of Lebanon. Therefore we consider that Lebanon has the right to defend itself and its natural resources in the water and land. Thus, we are waiting and following what will happen (on the ground), and the Zionists know that they cannot mess with Lebanon after the equation of the army, the people, and the resistance. They think “a thousand times” before carrying out any foolish act i.e. trying to occupy any new part of the land or any part of the water of the Lebanese economy. On this basis, we clearly stated our position: We will work jointly with the Lebanese government to defend with all means our water right.

FNA: There are those who say that there are conspiracies against the new Lebanese government and against its allies, particularly the Islamic resistance, through the help of Lebanese hands and the American and Zionist assist. What is your comment on this?

It is clear that the March 14 group has made it clear that they reject the formation of the government - in this format - and when the government was formed they said that they will drop it before they even know its program. When it started its work through its cabinet statement, they said that they want to impede the work of this government, whatever it did.

Therefore, we are facing a political party that does not oppose, but is trying to cause failure at any price, knowing that this work would be reflected on its audience as well as on the overall Lebanese public. This is the result of the frustration they experienced because of the repeated failures in their political performance. Anyway, we will follow our work through the government, we will take steps forward if it is God’s will to serve the people, we will face politically and popularly, and we will reveal the facts in front of the people regarding  the achievements, the social services, the economic progress, and all the requirements needed by the people. I do not want to name what is done by the March 14 as a plot, but I limit myself to say that they often move in a way that serves the Israeli-American project. Whether they knew this or no, and whether they planned or were given already prepared plans, I hope they realize that we should elevate Lebanon all together and not cause the failure of each other.

FNA: The last question: In your opinion, what is the role of the Islamic Resistance in the Islamic awakening, which if it is God’s will began to reach the whole world?

The Islamic Resistance was caused by the Islamic awakening launched by Imam Khomeini (May he rest in peace). This newborn has grown up enough to be able to contribute to bringing additional generation of the Islamic awakening.

Certainly, there is a significant contribution made by Hezbollah in Lebanon in favor of the Islamic awakening in general in the region; it made an experience that gave the meaning of jihad and the real dimension, which leads to the protection of the land, the race, the property, the dignity, the morals, and the independence. All these are the vocabulary of the Islamic awakening, and we saw how the Arab and Islamic world sees Hezbollah’s experience as a bright and brilliant experiment.

Thus, this definitely contributes to increase the desire of various parties to follow Hezbollah in some issues that are consistent with their circumstances and realities. We hope to increase the Islamic awakening, and it seems that we are in the time of the increasing Islamic awakening.

Story Code: 104888

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