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Firing of Bolton ‘shows disarray in the Trump White House’

14 Sep 2019 06:57

Islam Times - The firing of US National Security Adviser John Bolton by President Donald Trump “shows disarray in the Trump White House,” according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist.

On Tuesday, Trump fired Bolton, saying he had “disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions.”

“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning,” Trump said in a tweet.

Trump had sometimes joked about Bolton's image as a warmonger, reportedly saying in one Oval Office meeting that "John has never seen a war he doesn't like."

Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, said in an interview with Press TV on Thursday that “President Trump says he likes conflict as different opinions can get sorted out. We all know that he thrives on it more because his ego would allow him to rule over one or the other and it’s more a show of dominance than constructive dialogue. What we also know is that it isn’t just conflict in the Trump administration but chaos, probably something he thrives on as well.”

“The firing of John Bolton certainly feeds those who oppose Trump as just another example of his ineptness and complete lack of understanding of American foreign policy. People are also saying that this shows disarray in the Trump White House. Good! Can there be any other good news than the firing of John Bolton, who should be looking out of a jail cell window for war crimes rather than a prestigious White House window?” he said.

“Bolton’s replacement is bound to be as belligerent as Bolton, especially if it’s Pompeo, and definitely serving the war mentality of American foreign policy. But for now the war mongering administration has been partially declawed, for the benefit of millions of people world-wide fearing another American invasion or overthrow of their governments, usually ones that are elected,” he stated.

“For the moment, Venezuela and Iran are spared the wrath of American foreign policy, as Trump has shown to be more of an isolationist than an interventionist. This won’t stop him from carrying out his orders from Wall Street to disrupt world economies to suit their interests, but even their interests are too obviously benefiting just themselves at everyone else’s detriment and peril,” he noted.

“So for now the world can breathe easier. Will there be a rapprochement with Iran? Will our imperial soldiers return to their bases back home? Time will tell but with Trump’s polling numbers sinking, even those in his administration would know, and might even tell him, that an intervention overseas would likely mean a one-term presidency,” he concluded.

Story Code: 816090

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