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Michael C. Ruppert: ‘Announcement of Osama’s death is the result of a drastic need to re-deploy US military to Saudi Arabia in preparation for the for fall of the Saud Family’

29 Jun 2011 07:53

Islam Times - I said clearly in Crossing the Rubicon, my book published 7 years ago that the US has long prepared for the fall of the al-Saud family in Saudi Arabia...

I wrote that we have prepared to balkanize Saudi Arabia because most of the oil is in the eastern part of the country, even though Saudi Arabia has now obviously entered decline, they still possess 25% of the known resources available on the planet and that is the thing that must be protected by western powers like the United States. It is the crown jewel. I strongly suspect that this convenient announcement of Osama’s death is the result of a drastic need to re-deploy US military to Saudi Arabia to prepare for the for fall of the Saud Family and the monarchy as a whole.”

Michael C. Rupprt is a world renowned expert on peak oil, author of 2004's political and economic exposé, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil which surfaced US plans to enter the Middle East long before 9/11 in preparation for peak oil. Michael is also the subject of the controversial documentary Collapse where he discusses the direction human civilization is heading towards as our reliance on oil will come to end as oil production will reduce significantly.

In 1998, Michael founded the newsletter From the Wilderness with subscribers in 40 different countries including 40 members of the US Congress, the intelligence committees of both houses, and professors at 20 universities around the world. Michael has pioneered innovative analysis and groundbreaking original stories on the impact of $5-600 billion per year in drug money moving through the US economy and the illegal covert operations which maintain control of that cash flow for US economic interests around the world.

Since 9/11, Mike has been the point man in breaking major stories involving government foreknowledge, corruption and violations of the Constitution.

Islam Times: Why did the Obama administration not reveal a picture of Osama bin Laden after they announced him dead?

Now I am not going to do what we found necessary to do after 9-11, by making a huge ever growing list of the galaxy of inconsistencies available. I am not going to repeat the work of myself and others, like Michel Chossudovsky and Paul Thompson, on the mythological intelligence construct that was the legend of Osama bin Laden. That is all meticulously documented in Crossing the Rubicon. But as the world continues to ask the obvious questions and the story continues to fray, I note that the indignant refusal by Barack Obama to produce a photo is really setting off alarms. In the past, it was an essential foreign requirement to produce death photos of Josef Goebbels, Herman Goering and Saddam Hussein. No one thought that unseemly. Granted their bodies were all intact, but I should probably note that the credibility of the United States Government was – like the dollar – more intact then.

I saw a “crawl” on CNN stating that George W. Bush declined to appear at Ground Zero with President Obama for a planned extravaganza today. Even Bush has got enough sense to avoid that black hole. And today we see that apparently the plans for a PR extravaganza were quashed by someone telling the President to shut up and keep it simple. Obama laid a wreath, shut his mouth and got the Hell out of Dodge.

The more Barack Obama beats the 9/11 drum, the more he is going to invite a slap in the face from people and even governments around the world who understand that the 9/11 story has been a lie since before the attacks occurred. You see people will accept lies if their lives get better. As their lives get worse, they will inevitably ask questions. And as their lives disintegrate, they will start looking for both answers and suspects. That was and is the swimming pool full of gasoline that Barack Obama is lighting matches in.

If the United States of America does not immediately announce a massive drawdown in Afghanistan, the world will keep asking questions about Osama bin Laden because our lives will be getting worse, not better, by the day. And every time Mr. Obama opens his mouth about 9/11, he pours more gasoline into the pool and asks for another box of matches. It was not my choice. Barack Obama has placed 9/11 back on the table again. Mainstream media, of course, can't say Jack Diddly about this theater of the absurd, even though they’ve been cornered into asking a few pseudo-hardball questions. They are, after all, criminally culpable for the endorsement and concealment of something they damn well knew was a lie, murder, and high treason ten years ago.

Islam Times: How has the foreknowledge of peak oil influenced US’ relations in the Middle East and how is the announcement of Osama’s death related to all this?

All oil production follows a bell curve - always has, whether it’s an oil field or an oil well. Everything that goes up must come down. The midpoint is reached at the top of the bell curve and hanging from the top is the big fruit or the easy game that’s easy to reach and take. But, as you come down the slope of the curve – this means that no amount of wishful thinking, technology, and money will allow production passed that point which we now know happened in 2006. It was confirmed by the International Energy Agency – all the figures are clear on this. Peak oil has become a universally accepted truth if you will after all these years. As you go down the down slope of that curve, every barrel of oil you will try to get will become harder to get and more expensive to get, because you’re reaching out further on the tree to get the fruit on a weaker limb – deep water horizon drilling illustrates that perfectly, which is what Saudi Arabia is doing now – a clear indication that Saudi Arabia has reached peak oil.

Oil powers 90% of the world’s transportation in a globalized economy - that’s aside from the fact that there are 10 calories of hydrocarbon energy in every calorie of food consumed on the planet. So, if oil production is decreasing as is being confirmed by the International Energy Agency who recently released a report saying that by 2035, global oil production will decline to 16 mil barrels per day.

The US is an empire in decline now and it’s actually true for all industrial economies. The US recognizes that the world is in the path of a major decline and I said clearly in Crossing the Rubicon, my book published 7 years ago that the US has long prepared for the fall of the al-Saud family in Saudi Arabia, that we have prepared to balkanize Saudi Arabia because most of the oil is in the eastern part of the country, even though Saudi Arabia has now obviously entered decline, they still possess 25% of the known resources available on the planet and that is the thing that must be protected by western powers like the United States, it is the crown jewel. I strongly suspect that this convenient announcement of Osama’s death is the result of a drastic need to re-deploy US military to Saudi Arabia to prepare for the for fall of the Saud Family and the monarchy as a whole. I have been documenting for months now on our world news desk on CollapseNet that the pressure on Saudi Arabia and that rage will implode with their fall including pressure from Iranian influence on Saudi Arabia which is becoming more obvious each day.

The US’s so called victory announcement is to prepare for other things, other interventions in the Middle East. Everything would be triggered by open revolt and rebellion by the people of Saudi Arabia which cannot be hidden any longer. We have seen clearly from Egypt to Libya to Bahrain efforts to absolutely sensor the press, Facebook, Twitter, emails and everything else to make it appear to the outside world as if nothing is going on. At some point in time, they won’t be able to hide civil unrest in Saudi Arabia; there will be a point when the regime looks like it’s ready to run. The Carter Doctrine and all of American foreign policies say that the US will go in without any doubt to seize the oil fields. Seven years ago I documented this process and even drew a map and presented it to universities of how and where the US has been deploying troops into Saudi Arabia all around the oil reserves. As far as I am concerned this is a contingency plan that will be activated as soon as the Saud’s are going to go.

There are US bases in Bahrain and in Qatar, this is all preposition of what will happen in Saudi Arabia. The US will be ready to enter Saudi Arabia to seize the oil fields because of this preparation.

We entered Libya for a clear reason. Oil prices were at an all time high, a bucket of oil was for $100 and it was bringing down the global economy. Oil is a fungible, when oil goes up in price the global economy suffers, and so what’s behind the US’s intervention is clearly because of grabbing that oil to sustain oil prices for the global economy. Libya produces 1.5 million barrels a day of a light sleet, high quality oil, but the point is that if you take out 1.5 million barrels out of the world supply chain a day, everyone suffers because everyone pays the higher price. So really, the US intervened so that it could break the bank globally to bring down prices a little bit but made it appear to be a humanitarian effort. Our goal to save the Libyan people is no more believable than Osama bin Laden’s murder.

Islam Times: As we enter the end of the age of oil as you put it, how can we make a connection to peak oil and the current Arab Spring?

What’s happening now with the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa is not just a mina phenomenon, it’s a generational revolution that happens to be breaking out in the region because you have high populations living in poor conditions being ruled by brutal dictators who are quite literally swimming in oil as in the case in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and all the oil producing countries. It is all a manifestation that no one’s life is going to get better from here on out, it’s not possible for countries like Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Bahrain and Libya because there is not enough energy to go around to sustain successful economic growth to do that. Syria is a real problem in particular. There simply can’t be a better standard of living there because there is not enough economic growth to do that and there isn’t enough oil to go around to support economic growth for its growing population.

However, the unrest is so severe, and how it’s being addressed by the United States is so hypocritical - it’s obvious, we intervene where there is oil and where there isn’t like Egypt we don’t intervene, but where there is oil like in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, we allow massacres to occur, we don’t even lift a finger - the blatant hypocrisy of Washington’s approach to the Middle East now is on the table. It was recently announced that Osama Bin Laden was killed but it’s only pouring gasoline on the fire and eroding any credibility this country has, which has become obvious that the announcement of his death is a preemptive measure to something that the US has planned.

We need to look at the bigger picture for the Middle East, which is the US and Israeli attempt to keep the Camp David Accords going, because what’s at risk here? The existence of Israel of course. What Israel is worried about is if there’s a call for a Muslim unity in the Middle East, which could only mean one thing: wiping out Israel. We saw in the beginning of these uprisings with Egypt that Israel’s main concern was that ‘Camp David was still intact’, because the risk is total annihilation of the region, because if the entire region becomes a threat to Israel, Israel will use its nukes if Arab countries attack it leaving the world in a global nuclear holocaust.

The number one question that we heard being asked during Egypt’s uprising was will the Camp David Accords still be in tact? What Israel and the Us are doing now is trying reposition itself for a new map in the Middle East, which it wasn’t prepared to do and really doesn’t know how to react. The US is really trying to desperately catch up to events in the Middle East so that it can continue to control the region.

I have had several communications with international figures and everything hinges on Camp David and of course Saudi’s oil. I really think the US is reacting rather than acting. Since the start of these uprisings, Iran’s presence in the Middle East has grown tremendously and if it’s true that the US helped ignite an uprising in Syria it was simply because they were trying to weaken that new Iranian political presence or influence. We have seen Syria’s willingness to act in partnership with Iran so that could be a move by the US to try to weaken Iran, it’s obvious but what’s different this time is that it is not controllable.

But, the fundamental problem in the Middle East is demographics. Arab population is growing faster and larger than Israel’s population and Israel knows this and so does the United States.

Michael C. Ruppert:
Humans are slowly moving towards a change in consciousness - calling for a dramatic change in human perception that we are all simply human beings. We will live and die as human beings together. We do not have the luxury anymore of having religious, sectarian, ethnic rivalries. That is energy that is totally wasted at this point. We are already experiencing an energy crisis, water shortages, food shortages, the list goes on.

The enemy of human existence is infinite economic growth which is what capitalism has taught us, and unfortunately most of the world has bought into it and now we are paying the ultimate price because of power and greed.

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