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Islam Times' exclusive interview with "Ishaq Adam," the lawyer for Nigeria's Shiite leader.

News of Retrial Attempt by the Nigerian Government on Sheikh Zakzaky

5 Aug 2021 21:19

Islam Times - Ishaq Adam, a member of Nigeria's Shiite leader Sheikh Zakzaky's defense team, stated that the Nigerian government was seeking a retrial of a new lawsuit against the Sheikh, the Nigerian government's intention to file a new complaint and eventually start a new round of Sheikh's trial is only to prevent Sheikh Zakzaky from leaving the country for medical treatment and to keep Sheikh in Nigeria.

According to the Islam Times, after five and a half years of conspiracy designed by the Nigerian government, of course with the green light of the United States, the Zionist regime and the financial support of the Al Saud regime, "Sheikh Ibrahim Yaqub Zakzaky" finally on Wednesday July 28, 2021, while in court, he was released from prison after a four- to five-hour court session without formalities.

During his imprisonment, the Abuja government did its best to prolong the detention process, including his trial, so that 15 false witnesses appeared in court to present false testimony, but thank God, the false statements of these false witnesses became a reason for the release of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife.
This is because these witnesses, in addition to their contradictory statements, were also unable to answer the questions raised by the Sheikh's lawyers during their court hearings, and answered all the questions with the following answers: "I do not know", "I forgot" and "I am not informed".

The release of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife is unbearable for the perpetrators of the West-Zionist conspiracy in Nigeria, the same government officials in Nigeria. A petition has been filed against him on new false charges, and in the meantime, supporters and friends of the sheikh in Nigeria are very worried about the possibility of the sheikh being arrested again under false pretenses.

To follow up on the latest situation of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife, an Islam Times reporter, contacted Ishaq Adam Ishaq, one of Sheikh Zakzaky's lawyers for an interview.

Ishaq Adam, a member of Sheikh Zakzaky's defense team, told the Islam Times about the Nigerian government's latest efforts to stop him on the path to his release: "One night before Sheikh Zakzaky's release, Al-Rifai, the governor Kaduna filed new charges against Sheikh Zakzaky, which the Sheikh rejected and did not accept.

The Nigerian government was not satisfied with this, and after the sheikh's release, the team of government lawyers again claimed that they did not accept the sheikh's release order.

Ishaq added: We have news that the Nigerian government is planning to file a lawsuit against Sheikh Zakzaky and submit it to a higher court in Nigeria, which means that it wants to file a new lawsuit against Sheikh.

Ishaq Adam "in response to the question of whether this new complaint has ever reached" Sheikh Zakzaky "himself or his team of lawyers? Replied: "No, so far we have not received this complaint, not even the judge of the Supreme Court, and this issue has only been published in the Nigerian news circles and media."

Regarding the aims of the new lawsuit against Sheikh Zakzaky, he said that they wanted to continue the trial of Sheikh Zakzaky or re-arrest him, and if they can not find an excuse to arrest him, but well, with the re-establishment of the court against the sheikh will prevent him from leaving Nigeria and travel to another country for treatment, so their main purpose is to prevent the sheikh from leaving.

Adam Ishaq stated: We are not afraid of this action of the Nigerian government, if the court is re-established, this court will not deprive him of his freedom, but this new complaint and charges will only lead to visits to the court.

About these useless tricks of the Nigerian government and the executor of the policies and conspiracies of Al Saud, the Zionist regime and the United States in this country, "Isaac Adam" said: "This action by Al-Rifa'i and his accomplices is quite natural, and it was expected that they would undoubtedly take such actions against the Sheikh, because they have already failed and fallen to the ground; They want to deprive Sheikh Zakzaky of the freedom of the world and the happiness of the Nigerians."

Story Code: 946944

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