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Russian Diplomat Accuses EU Spokesman of 'Inciting Terrorism' with Crimean Bridge Remarks

8 May 2024 21:05

Islam Times - EU foreign policy spokesman is inciting terrorism with his statement about Ukraine's alleged right to attack the Crimean Bridge, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"On May 6, EU foreign policy spokesman Peter Stano made a statement about Ukraine's alleged right to attack the Crimean Bridge within the framework, as part of, as it was written, self-defense. You know, there is simply no other way to call this but direct incitement of terrorism," the diplomat said at a briefing, TASS reported.

According to Zakharova, it is shocking that the statement was made by a European official who "in general speaks on behalf of the entire European Union."

"These are his responsibilities. Stano’s unacceptable statement proves that the EU is not only a sponsor of the Kiev regime, but its statements also incite Kiev to continue attacks on peaceful Russian cities, civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and stores," she stated.

The spokeswoman added that the EU, along with supplying heavy and long-range weapons, "openly disregards its own international obligations, as well as to others, and clearly becomes complicit in the terrorist activities of Ukrainian neo-Nazis."

"Just a few days ago, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell once again openly admitted that there is a quick, peaceful solution to the Ukrainian conflict that has existed from the very beginning, but he personally and the European Union he represents do not want to end the hostilities," Zakharova said.

"This is exactly what we’ve said all along, quoting both Borrell and Western officials. We’ve noted and pointed to the EU's long-term investment in arms supplies to Ukraine, which they intend to use to protract the armed conflict for at least, according to their words, several years," she concluded.

Story Code: 1133758

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