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Arab FMs to “Urgently” Meet Monday on Gaza

13 Jul 2014 12:51

Islam Times - A diplomat said on Saturday that Arab foreign ministers are to meet in Cairo on Monday to discuss the Israeli offensive on the besieged strip of Gaza.

Kuwait, which holds the rotating leadership of the Arab League headquartered in the Egyptian capital, had demanded the "urgent" meeting, the diplomat told AFP on Saturday.
There has been no coordinated Arab response to the conflict which erupted late  Monday when the Zionist entity started a brutal assault on Gaza strip, killing so far more than 120 people and injuring at least 900 others.
Egypt, the traditional broker in the Israeli attacks, said Friday its efforts to halt violence in the Gaza Strip had met with "stubbornness".
But it is seen as having taken a step back from the latest round of fighting.

Story Code: 399206

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