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Zionist Entity Admits: One Soldier Unaccounted for in Gaza

23 Jul 2014 06:23

Islam Times - Israeli occupation army announced on Tuesday that there was still a soldier unaccounted for inside the Gaza strip, in an indirect acknowledgment that the unaccounted soldier is captured by the Palestinian resistance.

"The identification process of six of the soldiers killed has been completed and confirmed. The efforts to identify the seventh soldier are ongoing and have yet to be determined," an army statement said. 
Earlier on Sunday, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades, announced that the resistance had captured an Israeli soldier.
"The Israeli soldier Shaul Aaron is in the hands of the Qassam Brigades," a spokesman using the nom-de-guerre Abu Obeida said in a televised address, as he announced that the soldier’s military number was 6092065.
The occupation army refused to confirm or deny Hamas announcement, saying it was investigating, although Israeli ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor claimed that “rumors” of the capture were "untrue".

Story Code: 401030

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Islam Times