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KSA seeks deal with Israel

11 Aug 2014 07:01

Islam Times - Saudi Arabia member of the Shura Council Dr. Salwa Abdullah Al-Hazza reportedly visited Israel via Jordan following a quick visit to Kazakhstan where she met with Karim Massimov to discuss an oil deal with Israel.

According sources close to the matter Saudi Arabia Al Hazza arranged two years ago a meeting in between the American Jewish lobby AIPAc and the Saudi King in view of brokering deals and coming to an understanding political arrangement.

Opposing factions in Saudi Arabia have worked over the past two years to assert their respective group’s influence over Saudi Arabia ahead of the death of King Abdullah to secure that their hold on power will remain. It is this quest for power which has pushed many to seek a rapprochement with Israel, as they understand it has the ears of Washington.

Al Hazza has been quite simply put in charge of such secret negotiations.

Al Hazza has promised that should Israel and AIPAC support the faction she represents the Wahhabis will lose their influence in the kingdom to the profit of a more liberal political class.

Now while Al Hazza has been negotiating back and forth with Israel through various agents to seek what deal could be brokered to advance the interest of Saudi royals in opposition with the Crown Prince, she has also worked toward a deal in between Lebanon and Israel.

Israel wants access to Lebanon’s oil. As it happens trillions of dollars’ worth of oil lie under the maritime soil of Lebanon. Israel has claimed it has a right of access to such natural resources.
The oil pocket actually extends from Cyprus to Lebanon and Occupied Palestine.

Saudi Arabia and the US have prevented so far the Lebanese government to access such riches, warning that it would continue to do so until the state promises to limit the power of the Hezbollah by disarming it.

Zionists are quite openly and quite clearly looking to expand their zone of influence and Saudi Arabia is enabling them in the Levant.

Story Code: 404110

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