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Syrian FM: US Informed Syria of Strikes against ISIL

23 Sep 2014 12:15

Islam Times - The Syrian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that the United States has informed Syria’s permanent envoy to the United Nations before launching airstrikes against the militants of the so-called 'Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant' (ISIL) terrorist group in Raqqa, state-run SANA news agency reported.

"The United States informed Syria’s permanent envoy to the U.N. before launching airstrikes against ISIL terrorist organization in Raqqa," a statement of the ministry said.
Syria "backs any international effort that contributes to the fight against terrorists, be it against ISIL, (Al-Qaeda affiliate) Al-Nusra Front or anyone else," the televised statement added.
U.S. defense officials announced that American and Arab warplanes hammered ISIL militants in eastern Syria early Tuesday, opening a new front in the fight against the terrorist group.

Story Code: 411219

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