Thursday 30 November 2017 - 08:58

Lebanese President Stresses Hezbollah Role in Fight against Terrorism

Story Code : 686720
Lebanese President Stresses Hezbollah Role in Fight against Terrorism
“Hariri will certainly stay the prime minister of Lebanon and the political crisis will be solved in a matter of days,” said Aoun in talks to the Italian daily La Stampa.
“The crisis is behind us now. PM Saad Hariri will continue the path of leadership in Lebanon,” he added.
Turning to Hezbollah and its role in Lebanon, the President said: “Hezbollah has fought the Islamic State terrorists inside and outside Lebanon. When the war against terror ends, Hezbollah fighters will return back home.”
The daily added quoting Aoun as saying that talks between Lebanon’s political parties have been concluded and that there is broad consensus.
Aoun had arrived in Rome on Wednesday meeting the invitation of Italian President Sergio Matarella.
The Lebanese government and Palestinian resistance forces have strongly condemned a decision by the Arab League to designate the Hezbollah resistance movement as a terrorist organization.
Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said in a statement that he had refused to list Hezbollah as a terror group as it was a “fundamental component of the Lebanese state.”
Arab League Secretary-General Ahmad Aboul Gheit announced at a media conference in Cairo on 19th Novemebr that Arab states agreed to designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization, adding that he would not “rule out going to the United Nations Security Council as a next step.”
Palestinian resistance groups also denounced the Arab League’s decision, saying it serves the interests of Israel and the US and aims to satisfy the Saudi regime.
The alliance of the Palestinian resistance forces described the decision as “dangerous”, stressing that “Hezbollah represents the most important resistance force against Israel and terrorism.”