Thursday 10 May 2012 - 09:11

'US wants to install Israel-friendly regime in Syria'

Story Code : 160556
Interview with Mark Glenn, Crescent and Cross solidarity movement, Idaho about the notion behind the statement made by the US ambassador to make covert war on Syria until Bashar al-Assad steps down and can be replaced by a US puppet government subservient to Zionist supremacy in the region.

Why has Syria become so important and complicated for America and what is the US's main point of interest in this country?

Glenn: The main point of interest is to see the regime of Bashar al-Assad removed and replaced with something that is going to be more cooperative with both America's and Israel's long term foreign policy objectives in the region.

That's the number one priority, is to see Assad removed in the same fashion as we saw Mubarak removed; that we saw Gaddafi removed... and as I said, all of this to reshape the Middle East in such a way that benefits Israel.

So, everything that we see taking place right now particularly with Ambassador to the UN, Rice admitting that it is the US policy not to bring peace to Syria, but rather to see Bashar al-Assad removed and the fact that it is well known now in all corners of the civilized world that it is the US and other Western powers that are funding and training these, let's call them what they are, thugs… it has become something that the US has made clear now to the world that it will arm and it will train and support terrorist groups including al-Qaeda if it's going to further not just her foreign policy objectives, but the foreign policy objectives of Israel as well.

You said the US, as far as training terrorist groups and in regards to Syria, it is Israel's foreign policy, but Kofi Annan's six point plan is based upon bringing peace and stability to Syria. Why is it that the US is against it and want the government, as you said and Bashar al-Assad himself to be relieved of duty?

Glenn: We have to go back to a policy paper that was written back in 1996 for Benyamin Netanyahu. This policy paper was known as "the clean break" and in this document, which was written by many of the same neo-cons who staffed the high positions of influence in the George Bush administration - these same neo-cons who were responsible for seeing the destruction of Iraq take place, also listed a number of other countries as well that would be slated for the same type of regime change policies including Syria, including Pakistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and your own country of Iran.

So, all of this is geared towards, again, making Israel the supreme unchallenged military and political power in the region and they don’t, especially given the relationship between Syria and Russia right now, they want to get Assad out of there and replace it with a new government that is going to cut off ties with Iran; it is going to cut off ties with Russia and it's going to be easy to slap around as many of the other governments in the region are.