Saturday 13 September 2014 - 08:59

US needs to completely get out of Middle East

Story Code : 409489
US needs to completely get out of Middle East
Q: Does weakening of the Damascus government not directly benefit ISIL and help consolidate its hold on the region? Because in his remarks on Wednesday Obama did say that the US will continue to support the “opposition” in Syria through funds as well as arms.
Olivier: First thing he had to look was he had to look who is funding ISIS. It just did not come out on its own.
These are paid mercenaries. A friend of mine Franklin Lamb is over there and he has interviewed these people.
They are not religious. They are just doing this as their job. You stop the funding, you stop ISIS.
Now the reason why the president says that we have a justification going over there is those beheading videos that they were showing.
Anybody that wants to can go to LiveLeak. They can watch the videos. They can see that those were staged. They were not real beheadings.
It is completely obvious there is absolutely no beheading. They show a Photoshop picture afterwards that does not have the correct shadows to go with the day time. It is completely obvious those were fake. Our intelligence agencies are saying, no those were real.
That gives the indication that the government is behind this; that this is a false flag attack against these journalists, and it is simply not real and the whole purpose of this is actually to overthrow the Assad government.
The ISIL, the other terrorist groups that were in Syria that were trying to overthrow the government, were unsuccessful and now they need help.
They need help from the American military to go over there and finish the job against Assad. That is the whole reason for this. It has got nothing to do with this fake terror group called ISIS.
Q: We come to the question of ground troops. Do you agree with the idea that the United States could have overthrown Assad a year ago?
But let us not forget that exactly to this date last year Obama outlined his strategy of removing Assad from power, which included the airstrikes that are now being used to destroy ISIL?

Olivier: A year ago they had another false flag attack.
It was the chemical weapons attack against the children in Syria. It was found out that was the rebels that were doing that. It was chemical weapons that they have received from Saudi Arabia. 
And even though the media here was saying that it was the Syrian government that was doing it, they could not get support from the American people to go over there and have another war.
I think the support level was about nine percent which is nothing.
And the American people are sick of these wars. Most people are starting to figure out it has nothing to do with what you see on TV.
This is just to make the very wealthy people that control the American politics even more wealthy by controlling these nations’ resources.
So what we are seeing with this ISIL is that before they ever took over these oil fields they were very well funded.
They have all brand new trucks. They have new weapons.
A general from Iraq said the weapons were made in Israel.
Now these are homegrown terrorists by any stretch of the imagination. These are mercenaries. They are very well funded and they have been well funded before they ever took over any oil field.
Q: They say the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This really puts the United States’ so-called counter-terrorism strategy into huge questions now, do you not think so?
Olivier: Well yes. If you are going to say the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then ISIL is our friend because the enemy is the Assad regime in Syria and that is the whole goal behind all these false flag terror attacks - the fake beheadings, the chemical weapons that were used by the rebels in Syria. These are put out there so we can go over there and overthrow the Assad regime.
So ISIL I suppose will still be our friends.
They were originally funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
I am sure they still have funding coming in because those mercenaries that are working for ISIS do not do it for free.
So if they cut the funding, they go home; the whole thing ends.
But that is not what we want. We want a threat. We want something to fool the American people to think that we need to go there with our military and destroy ISIS.
Well that is not the goal. The goal is to overthrow the Assad regime and put in a puppet government there.
Q: Your comments on the idea that Obama has basically extrapolated on George Bush’s counter-terrorism policies only evolving methods to include more drones and basically support from allies within the region.
Olivier: The foreign policy of United States is dictated by the Council on Foreign Relations… Obama’s policies are Bush’s policies.
There is really no difference - just a different person reading the teleprompter.
It is not a mistake. They know what they are doing. They created this threat. They put out these fake videos of beheadings, and they are doing everything they can to try to get some American support to go into Syria and start a new war. 
Obama does what he is told and he reads the teleprompter very well. I think even better than George Bush.
So he is doing his job and he is not making mistakes. He knows what he is doing and the end goal right now is to go and overthrow the Assad regime.
Q: Your closing comments: Is military engagement ever the option, the right option, to fight what the United States describes as terrorism?
Olivier: No. We need to get completely out of the Middle East.
Afghanistan is the longest war in American history and this is against a military that has no air force, no army, no navy, nothing.
They have nothing other than what the ISI gives them and you know we keep putting these mercenaries in place so we have somebody to fight over there.
No. We need to completely get out of the Middle East so we can have peace in that region again.