Monday 11 April 2011 - 10:24
Islam Times Exclusive:

The Third Phase of the 33-Day-War

Story Code : 64593
The Third Phase of the 33-Day-War
A month after the first spark of revolution in the Buzaid Square of Tunisia, chain revolutions formed throughout the Middle East. The changes took place after two dictators fell in Tunisia and Egypt and the western reaction were not unexpected. Over the past four months a clear picture of the west’s plans of the New Middle East has been shown. These changes showed that America and its allies did not hesitate to spill innocent blood wherever they could. Also, the American military blade has proven itself dull. American officials lost control of Egypt before they started to move. Jim Lehrer of Newshour asked vice-president Joe Biden 2 weeks before Mubarak fell: “Has the time come for President Mubarak of Egypt to go?” He also asked if Biden considered Mubarak a dictator. Biden calmly answered: “No I think the time has come for president Mubarak to move in the direction to be more responsive to some of the needs of the people out there. The two things that we have been saying is that violence is not appropriate and that people have the right to protest. “ Biden also stated that he did not believe that Mubarak was a dictator. This interview aired on January, 27th, 2011. Two weeks later Mubarak fled to Sharm al-Sheikh and turned away from power. This showed that American power has been diminished in the region.
America was struck by a huge blow right at the beginning. Then, the conditions in Yemen, Bahrain, and Libya went out of control. America was confused and acted in a reactionary manner; they were hit with two strong blows in Tunisia and especially in Egypt. They were forced to turn back from the stances that they were taking. Then, they thought that they could change the quiddity of the revolutions; that they could deviate the revolutions from the course that they were taking. The nightmare of another Islamic revolution like that of 1979 entered their hearts. Therefore, they did not hesitate to order military strikes alongside their soft war tactics.
During this time period the intifada in the southern section of the Persian Gulf and the Arab Peninsula became extremely important. The leaders of Saudi Arabia, who never imagined a day that Egypt would be without Mubarak, became terrified. Revolutions were sprouting all over the place: from within Saudi Arabia, in Yemen to the south, and in Bahrain to the north. Representatives of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain went to America or the American embassies in Riyadh and Manama. They asked if they would be rewarded for all of their service or would they share a similar fate to that of Mubarak. Robert Gates, the secretary of defense, who has experience in the region, stepped up to bat. He told the Bahraini rulers to make reforms or else Iran would benefit from these protests despite the fact that they did not have any evidence showing that Iran was playing any role at all in the protests.
24 hours later, the blade of reforms tore apart the chests of the revolutionaries in Manama. This repeated itself on the streets of Sana’a as well. But, it was not enough. Saudi Arabian forces, as American representatives, started committing genocide in Manama. At the beginning of April, the United States defense minister traveled to Riyadh once more and then to Iraq. This was his third trip in less than a month. America was in the southern part of the Persian Gulf as its military might was slipping away.
The principle revolution has not diverted its course 4 Months after it in the Middle East. Did one expect that America would allow democracy in oil rich Islamic countries? They chose the only thing they could; which was incredibly expensive: violence. They decided to kill the revolutionaries at the price of dishonoring themselves and of becoming even more hated by the nations of this region. The weapons that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Kuwait purchased for hundreds of billions of dollars were finally put into action. They decided to play the card of Arabs against Iran. They also brought up the whole Sunni vs. Shia issue as well. Then, they entered other countries, such as Bahrain, with the excuse of preventing Iranian interference in Arabic and Sunni countries. They put Islamophobia, Shiaophobia, and Iranophobia on the platter so nobody would ask them why they were killing other Muslims. They had to accuse the revolutions of following Iran in order for them to slaughter them.
America did not have anything left to give to the corrupt regimes of the region. Gates came to the region for the third time in order to control the events from the ground. But, this only resulted in America showing the region that they have lost all power. He delivered a lecture at an American military base in Baghdad in which he said that it was possible that Iran and groups such as Al-Qaeda could misuse the conditions that are present in the region and gain influence. At this time, the Iraqi army attacked the military wing of the People’s Mujahidin of Iran (MKO), which is a terrorist organization supported by the United States. Gates was unable to do anything about this other than express that he was worried. Iraq is still occupied and Gates is hopeful that the Iraqi government will request that the United States remain in their country past the end of the year (which is the agreed upon time which American forces must leave).
Regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain supported Saddam in his war against Iran. They also supported Israel in the 33-Day-War of 2006 and the 22-Day-War of 2008 against Lebanon and Palestine respectively. They did not care about the Arab race at that time. They did not care that Sunnis were being killed in Palestine or Shias were being killed in Lebanon. Today nobody should believe that they care about the Arab race or about Sunni Islam. Hamad bin Issa bin Al Khalifah, the king of Bahrain, said a few years ago in a meeting with the American ambassador to Manama: “We have intelligence relationships with Israel and are after expanding them to other areas. I have forbid Bahraini officials from using the terms ‘enemy’ and ‘Zionist regime’ for Israel.” Although the conditions and locations have changed, the same thing that happened to Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2008 is now repeating itself in Bahrain, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. Instead of Hizbollah and Hamas soldiers, the citizens of these nations are uprising without any weapons in their hands. They are standing in front of tanks. The battlefield is the same battlefield and the war is the same war.
The Islamic Republic of Iran supported the Islamic resistance in those wars. Today it is also supporting the Islamic resistance and opposing Israel and America. This is why statistics show that the people of the region love the Islamic Republic of Iran. Statistics show that the second most loved person of the region is the president of Iran, who is number two to Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. This love was not easily obtained and today is the most important time to use it. The enemy is trying its best to separate the oppressed revolutions from the Islamic Republic. They are using Iranophobia and Shiaophobia to force Iran to react. They are also making plans to present the Islamic Republic in a negative light thus changing people’s opinions of the country. They are trying to present the revolutions that are occurring in the region as Iranian revolutions. They really believe that the revolutions are inspired by Iran and that they can be quelled if they are separated from this country.
The stance that the Islamic Republic of Iran is taking in the region is clear and honorable. It is defending the most legitimate rights of human beings. Hopefully the rest of the world will take the same stance, if not as countries, as individuals inside those countries.
© Islam Times
Translator : Aabid Waqar
Source : Islam Times