Thursday 16 April 2009 - 10:36

A role-model of leadership

Story Code : 3094
A role-model of leadership
By: Imam Khomeini

At the beginning of Islam a true Islamic government was established twice. One was during the age of the Messenger of Allah (s) and the other the government that Ali (a) had in Kufah. Spiritual matters governed in these two cases; a just government was established whose leader did not break the law at all. The government in these two cases was a government of law and there might not be any other case where the law was as respected as it was. It was a government where its leader – which is now called a king or president – was equal to the lowest member of the society when it came to the law. This meaning was true in the first government of Islam. (Sahifah Nur, v.10, p.168-169, Interview on a German television station, 1979)

An Islamic leader is not like other leaders, kings, and presidents. An Islamic leader is a leader who lives amongst the people; who would attend that small mosque in Medina; who would listen to what the people have to say; who would attend the mosque like the other members of society. His gatherings would be such that from the outside one would not be able to recognize who the head of the government is, who people with political positions are, and who the normal people are. His clothes were the same clothes as the people. His lifestyle was the same lifestyle as the people. His implementation of justice was in such a way that if the lowest member of the society had a claim against the highest member of society the judge would force the highest member to appear and he would appear. (Sahifah Nur, v.3, p.84, gathering with French youth, Paris, 1978)

Do not fear walayat al-faqih (governance of the jurist). A jurist does not want to oppress the people. If a jurist wants to oppress the people he would no longer have the power of governance. It is Islam and Islam gives the rules of governance. The Prophet of Islam followed the law; followed the divine law. He could not break the law. Allah states that if the Prophet says one thing in opposition to what He says He would rip prophethood from him. If the Prophet was a dictator then a jurist could be one also. If the Commander of the Faithful was a dictator than a jurist could be one also. But, they were not dictators – they wanted to prevent people from being dictators. Walayat al-faqih is a governance over matters making sure that they do not fall out of place. The jurist observes the parliament and the president to make sure that they do not take a wrong step. He observes the prime minister to make sure he does not perform an incorrect action. He observes all of the governmental organs. He observes the army to make sure that they do not act in opposition. We want to prevent dictators from rising up; we do not want to become dictators. We are anti-dictator. Walayat al-faqih is against dictatorships – it is not a dictatorship. (Sahifah Nur, v.10, p.29, meeting with scholars from west Tehran, 1979)