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The Fabricated Iranian Nuclear Fairy Tale

16 Oct 2012 08:06

Author : Bill Lindner

Listening to President Obama’s recent speech at the UN and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's (Bibi's) delusional diatribes about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons coupled with the way the western media pushes their pernicious misconceptions about Iran and its uranium enrichment program, learning to sort fact from fiction and how to recognize the patterns of deception used to fabricate the Iranian nuclear fairy tale are important...

Obama's baseless rhetoric about a nuclear-armed Iran is nothing but political theater to benefit Bibi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) – a lobby that serves as a branch of the Israeli government responsible for swaying U.S. opinion and ownership of Washington’s culture of corruption – and Bibi has lied about Iran producing nuclear weapons for two decades now. To those paying attention for the past 10 years, the country being demonized by U.S. and Israeli leadership has changed but the lies remain the same.

Once George W. Bush was appointed to the White House in 2000, a gaggle of Neocons from his administration seized the opportunity to put their egregious agendas in motion to invade the entire Muslim world which they determined had to be transformed. For Neocons in the U.S. government, unconditionally supporting Israel and its Iranian nuclear fairy tales is top priority. Unsurprisingly, the roots of the Iranian nuclear fairy tales are all about Israel and its delusional right-wing Zionist government. Israel's nuclear monopoly in the region is a major issue that the U.S. and Israeli people have not discussed. Unlike Iran, Israel has refused to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and inspections of Israeli nuclear facilities are out of the question (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32734.htm). The U.S.-Israeli relationship, coerced by the illegal actions of the Israeli lobby, has destabilized the Middle East and hijacked U.S. politics.


Since the U.S. was manipulated into believing Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction by America's pusillanimous press (link: https://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/09/26-0) – faithfully serving as the Ministry of Propaganda—and the disastrous effects of illegal $3 trillion wars in the Middle East that helped destroy world economies while killing more than a millions innocent civilians, rebuffing the propaganda of the U.S. and Israeli political establishments is warranted. To that end, there are several important facts that the U.S. public needs to be made aware of (link: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/09/27-5), including:

•Iran is not building nuclear weapons - despite the bloviating of Obama and Bibi, the facts reveal that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and is currently trying to develop nuclear power. Listening to the fodder of the U.S. establishment and Bibi over the threat Iran poses reveals how pathetic their attempts to goad their citizens to war really are.

•Iran poses no threat to the U.S. and is not an existential threat to Israel -- despite Bibi's oft repeated fairy tales that Iran wants to kill all Jews and has threatened to blow Israel off the map. The leadership of Iran is not as fanatical or suicidal as the Ministry of Propaganda would have you believe.

•Political pundits and their corporate media lapdogs have fallaciously claimed that Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons since the mid-1980s -- despite all the lies contradicted by factual evidence. U.S. and Israeli Security establishments are against attacking Iran because of the disastrous blowback both countries would suffer. American and Israeli people are against and remain skeptical about war with Iran.


Ominous predictions about a Middle Eastern country run by a ruthless dictatorial regime -- based on "intelligence" from an exiled group of so-called "freedom fighters" are passed off as front page "news" by America's pusillanimous press. Hardly a day goes by without some supposedly sensational revelation or claim about Iran's alleged "weapons of mass destruction" being promulgated upon an intentionally misinformed public (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32734.htm). Looking back at history, the same lies have been revisited and recycled numerous times to mislead the U.S. and start illegal, costly wars in other countries. For decades, Neocons in the U.S. and Israeli governments have odiously influenced U.S. foreign policy.

The U.S.-Israeli Government's fiction becomes "fact" because the western media and the U.S. Congress comprise the two largest whore houses in history (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32599.htm). Western media repeats lie after lie to demonize the Iranian Government and dominate every policy discussion and every political decision. Western media pushes the fallacy that Iran is developing nuclear weapons to hide the right-wing Israeli government's real agenda aimed at the water resources in southern Lebanon and Middle Eastern oil. Washington has itself to be a two-faced manipulator of other countries Governments and Media that overflows with mendacity on Israel's behalf while reaping huge personal profits. In constant collusion with the Israeli government, Washington willfully and frequently enables Israel's war on Muslims and in reality, the U.S. government fears Iranian nukes because they could deter U.S.-Israeli attacks elsewhere in the Muslim world and the Middle East (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32629.htm) and end illegal wars of aggression.

America's pusillanimous press can't seem to understand that Iran isn't foolish enough to want to drop a nuclear bomb on Israel or the U.S. As noted by Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, what intelligent person would fight 5,000 American bombs with one bomb? The point is so obvious it shouldn't even have to be made. Anyone who seriously claims that Iran would commit what would be tantamount to instantaneous suicide by attacking a nation with a huge stock pile of nuclear weapons -- the U.S. and Israel -- is extremely ignorant quite preposterous.


So what is the real reason for all the moronic misconceptions of Iran trying to build a nuclear weapon? If Iran had nuclear weapons, the U.S. wouldn't be able to attack it and to the Zionist-controlled U.S.-Israeli Governments that is not acceptable and not being able to threaten Iran with another costly illegal war is incomprehensible. If Iran developed nuclear weapons, it could pass them along to other countries to deter U.S. goals of global hegemony and to U.S.-Israeli Zionists that is not an option.

To the U.S. National Security Complex, having Middle Eastern countries being able to prevent it from attacking them at all is of high concern and instigating regime changes would be untenable. The only way a country can protect itself from a U.S.-Israeli attack -- other than full-scale obeisance -- is to acquire nuclear weapons, which is exactly why the U.S. and Israel are so eager to make sure Iran doesn't (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32629.htm) – despite the fact that Iran gave up its nuclear weapon ambitions years ago and developing nuclear power is far different than developing nuclear weapons.

The fabricated Iranian nuclear fairy tales are bogus. Claims that Iran is building nuclear weapons are nothing but duplicitous deceptions designed to advance Zionistic fantasies and political agendas that need to be recognized for what they are and the dangers posed to U.S., Iranian and Israeli citizens. Attacking Iran would be disastrous and could end up starting another world war. The lies and misconceptions are getting old and the time for holding the traitorous perpetrators of the Iranian nuclear fairy tales, including America's pusillanimous media, accountable for their actions has come.

Keywords: President Obama, Bibi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran, Uranium Enrichment, America's Pusillanimous Press, Ministry of Propaganda, Washington's Culture of Corruption, U.S. National Security Complex, Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Fabricated Iranian Nuclear Fairy Tale

Story Code: 203994

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