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Lessons From 9/11 And The War On Terror

26 Jun 2014 05:01

Islam Times - Nearly 13 years after the "War on Terror" -- a fraud designed to frighten Americans and citizens of its allies into supporting systematic violation of International law enabled by the so-called "terrorist attacks" of 9/11 courtesy of the criminal actions of the George W. Bush cabal – which has from the onset been Islamophobic both in intention and in the illegal wars of suppression it has been used to justify (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38618.htm), what have we learned so far?

The only thing Americans have learned is that Washington is still using their premeditated tragedy to usurp the rights and freedoms of its citizens and keep the actual facts covered up while committing massive crimes against humanity under the fallacious guise of “keeping us safe.”
The killings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Ukraine dwarf anything that was carried out against us on 9/11. Using the War on Terror to terrorize other countries is resulting in some serious blow back. Creating crises to perpetuate war in the name of keeping the U.S. dollar king isn't doing us any good whatsoever. The more illegal Washington's actions become, the more credibility we lose as a global power. To anyone paying attention to what really happened on that fateful day, it is totally obvious that the official version of 9/11 is a fairy tale which unraveled long ago but is still being used to justify Washington's criminal actions. Terrorizing the Middle East and implementing tyranny at home has not kept us safe at all. In fact, it has done quite the opposite.
The fraudulent War on Terror has been used repeatedly to justify false claims of keeping us safe from terrorists -- the very same terrorists used by Washington to perpetrate terrorism in the Middle East (link: http://bit.ly/1hwu4dd) as necessary to further U.S. hegemony in the region and in places like Syria and Ukraine where Washington is trying to gain control of vast resources of other countries. It has also been used as justification to illegally spy on every American, especially those opposed to Washington’s criminal endeavors, since we're now all guilty until proven otherwise. When actual evidence of guilt doesn't exist, we’ve learned that it is fabricated by our National Security apparatus to suit whatever purpose it’s being used for. Truth is now, and always will be, irrelevant to the criminals perpetrating Washington's fraudulent "War on Terror."
Washington had the opportunity after 9/11 to redress five decades of wrongdoing committed in the Middle East -- including U.S. support of oppressive dictatorships, U.S. bases in the Holy Land, failure to push for a two-state solution, and our complicity in Israel's crimes against humanity in the occupied territories. Instead, Washington indulged in Nationalism, infantile pride, and Neocon fantasies of Military triumphalism (link: http://bit.ly/1orGpGX). We descended instead into barbarity, becoming the radical Islamist movement's most effective recruiting tool. President Obama picked up on and worsened many of his appointed predecessor's failed, illegal policies.
Instead of revamping failed Foreign and Counterterrorism policies, Washington chose instead to enact illegal "legislation" -- the inappropriately named PATRIOT Act for example -- and invoked a state secret doctrine to shield war criminals in the Bush cabal from prosecution while stepping up illegal extrajudicial killings. Instead of taking a closer look at the so-called "terrorist attacks" and those who actually perpetrated them, Washington opted to buy into the fallacy of religiously motivated terrorism, despite the fact that religion had nothing to do with it. Failing to discern between political grievances and religious ideology continues to result in our delusional moral and cultural superiority while harassing Muslims, be they American or otherwise.
We've learned that 9/11 served as the catalyst for illegal Presidential power grabs and spying on our own. Building a massive, out-of-control -- albeit illegal -- surveillance state that costs U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars each year and has no oversight has allowed branches of the U.S. Government like the National Security Agency (NSA) and the FBI to illegally spy on every American while our primarily incompetent, corrupt Congress sits back and does nothing but enrich themselves at our expense. The NSA, in all probability, is using its illegal surveillance to blackmail key persons who could get in the way of their illegal actions. Since 9/11 the NSA has gone rogue and no one, not the President or the Congress, has done a thing about it but use it to quash dissent and silence whistle blowers.
It is well documented that courtesy of 9/11 and the fraudulent War on Terror the NSA has routinely illegally spied on Americans for years with total impunity (link: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/04/16-3). It is also well documented that the NSA's illegal surveillance has been used to blackmail and suppress those who oppose them. James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, has openly admitted that the NSA has been routinely searching America's calls and emails (link: http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2014/04/01-4) without warrants or probable cause. We’ve learned that the NSA uses back doors to illegally record every American's electronic communications (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38131.htm) and is watching virtually everything they do (link: http://bit.ly/1krWSII). There are ways to put an end to the NSA's criminal actions and implement actual reform (link: http://bit.ly/1kPpzik), but that won’t happen because much of Washington also profiting financially at our expense. It will be difficult to put an end to America's illegal surveillance state because the NSA is too heavily vested in its criminal activities and is not going to give up spying on us without a fight (link: http://www.alternet.org/8-terrifying-facts-about-nsa-surveillance).
The web of deception surrounding the NSA since George W. Bush's appointment to the Presidency is unraveling. Every American should know just how much their government has lied to defend and protect the NSA (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38536.htm). The FISA Amendment Act and the PATRIOT Act used to justify America’s police state are both illegal as hell and unconstitutional. The “Justice” Department has done its part to implement an illegal police state by lying to both the U.S. Congress and the corporately corrupt U.S. Supreme Court in order to keep our government's illegal activities covered up, but as it always does, the truth is coming out. As more of the NSA's illegal activities become known, the deception becomes quite obvious.
Books have been and will be written about the NSA's illegal actions. For more than a decade the NSA has searched the emails and electronic contents of every American illegally without notifying them that they were doing so. Instead of owning up to the lies told to all of us, the Justice Department still refuses to admit to the truth perhaps, as mentioned above, in part because of blackmail. We've learned that Washington does not want U.S. citizens to know the extent to which the NSA's crimes have been committed with total impunity. Why is that? The U.S. government does not believe in the Fourth Amendment or your right to privacy. The Obama Administration's foreign policy makes it appear that Washington is seeking a U.S. Military-Intelligence agenda to polarize and destabilize much the world in their hegemonic quest for a New World Order (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38640.htm).
James Madison warned us that "if Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy" (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38576.htm). The fraudulent War on Terror enabled by 9/11 has taught us that he was right as we've watched our Executive Branch -- the President and his administration -- implement tyranny while illegally eviscerating Democracy. When a delusional Presidential administration actually believes it is the sole decision maker and has the authority to wage endless war across the globe (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34986.htm) you have a serious problem, especially when the same administration is funding and training the very terrorists it is allegedly fighting the fraudulent War on Terror against. Need proof? Look at what has happened in Afghanistan, Iran, and Libya and what is happening in Syria and Ukraine.
9/11 and the fraudulent War on Terror has also taught us that if you're foolish enough to think you have nothing to fear because you haven't done anything wrong, there are a multitude of reasons illustrating that you are mistaken (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38537.htm). There are countless examples of people who were doing nothing wrong but were severely punished because of the corruption enabled by Washington's illegal actions. Illegal surveillance can bite you in the ass regardless of guilt or innocence. We have learned that you don't define whether or not you're doing something wrong when you're subject to the massive illegal surveillance conducted by a police state. The government does, and with their recent history in trying to justify their illegal actions shrouded in secrecy, you have plenty to fear.
This is just the tip of the iceberg as to lessons we've learned from 9/11 and the fraudulent War on Terror. In spite of the continual lies, cover-ups, misinformation, denials, and propaganda from Washington, we now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official story what happened on 9/11 is a fairy tale and the resultant "War on Terror" is a massively failed fraud (link: http://parapoliticaljournal.com/2013/09/11/the-911-attack-12-years-later-what-have-we-learned/). The last 13 years have revealed that the vast majority of what our government tells us is total bull shit. Washington has exhausted America's resources and tarnished America's reputation (link: http://www.globalresearch.ca/9-11-after-a-decade-have-we-learned-anything/26174) and "domestic extremists" and activists have morphed into terrorists due to Washington's culture of corruption. Americans are unsafe today, not because of terrorists or domestic extremists but because they have lost their civil liberties and have no protection from unaccountable, unchecked illegal government power. Being forced to choose between safety and civil rights isn't the answer, and has been a hard lesson to learn. Don’t you think it’s time to do something about it?
Keywords: 9/11, War on Terror, National Security Administration, NSA, Illegal Surveillance, PATRIOT Act, President Obama, George W. Bush Cabal, America's Illegal Surveillance State, FISA Amendment Act, Domestic Extremists, Washington's Culture of Corruption

Story Code: 395163

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