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Capitalizing On The Bush Cabal's Illegal Iraqi Quagmire

28 Jun 2014 07:50

Islam Times - The escalating crisis in Iraq -- an illegal war perpetrated by an appointed war criminal President whose cabal used 935 lies at a cost of more than $4 trillion (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article37871.htm) to U.S. taxpayers so far on top of the thousands of deaths and damage done to our troops who still can't get the care they need at home and, by some estimates the deaths of more than a million Iraqis -- created to advance the fraudulent endeavors of U.S. imperialism appears to have resulted in the implosion of Iraq's Military which has handed their country over to the very U.S. terrorists used by Washington to try and overthrow Syria.

In keeping with the usual tradition of deception, Washington is again using lies to try and convince the U.S. public that we need to intervene (link: http://news.yahoo.com/manning-says-us-public-lied-iraq-start-030349079.html).
The very same Neocon war criminals who lied us to war with Iraq the first time are crying wolf and warmongering for a second time (link: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/06/16-9) while trying to blame President Obama (link: http://thinkprogress.org/world/2014/06/16/3449243/iraq-planners-today/) for their f**k up. After spending $22 billion to train and prop up the Iraq Army for its appointed puppet government, it appears that Iraq's president is in cahoots with Washington's new breed of terrorist -- too many cities are falling without a fight (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38803.htm) -- running rampant in Iraq and Syria. There appears to be something fishy about the official U.S. media versions about what is really happening in Iraq (link: http://www.alternet.org/isis-fiasco-it-really-attack-iran) and it appears that Washington may be trying to capitalize on the Bush cabal’s Iraqi quagmire. Choosing to use military force (link: http://www.alternet.org/world/another-war-iraq-just-what-us-needs) based on lies and deception would seal Obama's legacy as having served George W. Bush's third and fourth terms.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) -- which was actually trained by Washington in Turkey to help overthrow Syria's government (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38853.htm) --has, for the moment, seized de facto control over much of Iraq and Syria. ISIS is heavily bankrolled by Saudi Arabia (link: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/06/13-7) in addition to Washington and the Israeli and Turkish governments. The Saudi's were recently caught colluding with Pakistan (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article37717.htm) too. After plundering banks in Mosul and stealing an estimated $425 million from local banks, it remains unclear what ISIS is planning in Baghdad as it marches towards it. ISIS is apparently planning to create a Sunni-dominated Islamic state in the region it now holds. Though the group is a spin-off of Al Qaida, ISIS is not recognized by Al Qaida because of its extreme and ferocious criminality. The ISIS invasion of Iraq appears in part to be a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran for control of the Middle East (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38780.htm) as the invasion substantially increases Saudi power over the region's oil (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38805.htm).
Earlier this year while visiting Saudi Arabia Obama colluded with a Saudi monarch to prepare the escalation of a U.S.-backed war in Syria (link: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/03/29/syri-m29.html) which will lead to war with Iran so it's not the least bit surprising that the biggest winner in the Iraq quagmire is the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex which has been arming both side of the Iraqi conflict (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38799.htm). Having ISIS running rampant in Iraq -- along the Syrian border in particular -- serves a couple of purposes for Washington: it allows for a covert re-invasion of Iraq under the guise of declaring ISIS fully villainous (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38793.htm) and it makes it easier for Washington to commit covert operations and false flags in Syria. As the newest breed of U.S.-Saudi backed terrorists takes over more towns and villages in Iraq and Syria, the territory lost to Washington's puppet government in Iraq becomes harder to reclaim (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38791.htm). Having a new enemy to fight opens the doors for all kinds of economic and market catastrophes to occur courtesy of political corruption (links: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38784.htm), greed and stupidity.
Now the inevitable is happening. With the political collapse of the U.S.-imposed Iraqi state, the apparent victory of Washington's new breed of terrorist offers us insight of what’s to come in Syria, Afghanistan and a few other Mid East countries. Overcoming this obstacle, if it's even possible, will only happen if you take an honest look at what is currently happening (link: http://www.alternet.org/bush-neocon-and-pro-war-liberal-blunders-produced-new-mess-iraq) in Iraq. Blaming Obama for pulling out of Iraq when it was actually part of a contract signed by Bush is nothing less than political theater designed to hide the true intentions and crisis of Obama's predecessor and the war criminals that comprised his cabinet, many of which are present in Obama’s cabinet. Despite the lies from the media and those that should have been locked up long ago, the responsibility for the Iraq debacle lies squarely on the shoulders of the Bush cabal and all the crimes they committed there during their criminal rampage.
The Iraqi government asked the U.S. to leave in 2011 because of the colossal damage the U.S. did there and the enormous loss of Iraqi lives, not to mention all the resources plundered. The events going on in Iraq over the past week and a half exposed the ethnic and sectarian fracturing of Iraq that was a result of the illegal U.S. occupation by the Bush cabal (link: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/06/16/iraq-j16.html). The extremist groups dominating the fighting in Iraq and Syria are beginning to take their war beyond those two countries (link: http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2014/06/23/140623taco_talk_filkins), and being bankrolled by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia reveals just how convoluted the situation really is, not to mention just how fraudulent the wars in Iraq and on Terror really are. When you and your allies are funding terrorists (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38844.htm) to perpetrate endless war, the corruption and criminality becomes obvious.
Washington never revealed -- and never will -- why they destroyed Iraq due to bogus "National Security" claims used to hide the crimes they committed (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38817.htm). After we were egregiously lied to war with Iraq by a criminal George W. Bush cabal, in large part due oil, it became obvious how corrupt our leadership in Washington had become. After bombing Iraq back to the stone ages with illegal weapons that are still poisoning parts of the country and many of the U.S. troops stuck there under the fallacious guise of keeping us safe, we still have no explanation as to why we went to war there but we do know that Al Qaida never existed in Iraq until the illegal U.S. occupation in 2003. We also know that Iran was willing to send troops to Iraq after Washington's newest breed of terrorist overtook major cities in Iraq at the request of Iraq's president. Despite the illegal 10+ year invasion of Iraq and all the lies we’ve been fed since the whole Iraq debacle began, victory was never achieved.
The events unfolding in Iraq over the past several days represent the greatest debacle for U.S. Imperialism since the fall of Saigon in 1975 (link: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/06/14/pers-j14.html). Creating and funding terrorists in Syria who are now in Iraq is proving disastrous for Washington. Making matters worse for Washington is that the lies about helping Iraqi's chart a better future based on fallacious claims of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and non-existent ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida -- which was never in Iraq until the U.S. illegally invaded it -- have completely unraveled and now we're expected to believe that the U.S. Military needs to go into Iraq again to save the Iraqi people. The lies will no longer work. The U.S. wasted Iraq after its illegal invasion in 2003. Congress, the President, the U.S. media (link: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/06/17/pers-j17.html) and the corporate criminals that run them are all complicit in the destruction of Iraq for economic gain. How stupid do they actually think the American people are?
The Islamic State of Iraq has been nothing but an instrument of the Western military alliance (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38812.htm). Since the turn of the century, as made obvious by what Washington has done in Iraq, Libya and is trying to do in Syria and Ukraine, Western intervention’s intention has been to destroy governments that kept jihadists under control to replace them with puppet regimes that cater to the West, regardless of the ill-conceived affect they have on the citizens of the country chosen for destruction for Imperialistic gains. Creating terrorists to destroy one country that turn against another will have serious consequences for the criminal regime that runs Washington (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38798.htm). The Bush cabal's Iraq debacle has gone viral and there is no easy way out (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38792.htm).
Now the U.S. is thinking about asking Iran to help reclaim Iraq from Washington's terrorists (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38820.htm). Of course, the U.S. may have ulterior motives for drawing Iran into its Iraqi quagmire (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38847.htm), possibly believing that it can find other ways to demonize Iran when the time comes and create an excuse to illegally invade it too (link: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/06/17/iraq-j17.html), making you wonder if the Neocons in Washington are trying to capitalize on the Bush cabal’s illegal Iraqi quagmire. Any country would be foolish to believe or trust anything Washington says or does. Luring Iran into a counterinsurgency war under the guise of helping them reclaim Iraq would not be at all surprising. The may be yet another tool to be used for fueling Al Qaida, ISIS, and other terrorist groups Washington uses to manipulate instability in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in that region.
The implosion of the puppet regime in Iraq, which may in fact have been the plan all along (link: http://www.alternet.org/world/did-us-and-israel-want-open-ended-chaos-mideast), should serve as a warning to Washington's other Middle Eastern puppet regimes in the Muslim world -- Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and others -- of what can happen. The U.S. war on Islam which began with the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are leading to massive blow back (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38839.htm) due to corruption, incompetence and profoundly stupid "divide and conquer" agendas in the Muslim world. The illegal war in Iraq wasn't a mistake. It was a result of poorly calculated deception (link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38857.htm). Obama didn't start the war in Iraq but he now has the opportunity to tell the truth about it. The bloviating dipshits responsible for the Bush cabal's Iraqi quagmire need to be recognized for what they are (link: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/06/17-1) and their role in all of this.
Instead of spotlighting the war criminals on Sunday morning propaganda shows, America needs to hold them accountable (link: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/06/18-9) for their perpetual acts of terrorism and crimes against humanity (link: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/06/17-5). Those opposed to the original illegal invasion of Iraq were right all along (link: http://www.alternet.org/world/we-anti-war-protestors-were-right-iraq-invasion-has-led-bloody-chaos) and Iraqis are now paying a heavier price than ever before. Despite the oft-repeated lies from the fraudulent "think tanks" responsible for fanning the never-ending flames of war, the best thing the U.S. can do to help Iraq is to do nothing at all (link: http://www.alternet.org/world/best-thing-america-can-do-help-iraq-do-nothing-all) except learn from our mistakes and quit allowing Washington to get away with continually perpetrating the terrorism (link: http://www.alternet.org/world/devastating-truth-how-we-destroyed-iraq-order-save-it-ourselves) running rampant in the Middle East today. Until the Iraqi people decide to revolt against Washington's terrorists, Iraq will be stuck in an endless cycle of radicalism and terror. Until the U.S. public wakes up to the truth about their corrupt government in Washington and does something about it things will only get worse.
Keywords: Iraq, George W Bush, Illegal War, 935 Lies to War with Iraq, Authorization to use Military Force, AUMF, Syria, Al Qaida, 9/11, False Flag Terrorism, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS, National Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Saddam Hussein, US War on Islam, Washington Culture of Corruption

Story Code: 395735

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