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Saudi Regime Embraces Aggressive Sectarianism to Boost Dwindling Fortunes

http://alwaght.com/en/ , 30 Oct 2016 04:29

Islam Times - The Saudi regime is changing to policies from Arab-Islamic to Saudi-Wahhabi geopolitics and has therefore embarked on aggressive policies presenting Iran as a threat while using terrorism to ignite regional strife.

The House of Saud, the ruling family in Saudi Arabia, is spreading Iranophobia and disinformation on perceived Iran threat in an attempt to polarize the Islamic World. Iranophobia is the only way that by resorting to it the Saudi regime can easily interfere in the internal affairs of Arab and Muslim states while commit military aggression in these countries all under the pretext of confronting Iran's influence.
Contrary to this medieval Saudi approach, Iran has expressly stated that it will support any movement or group that confronts the Israeli regime occupying the Holy Quds while  pointing out that it will not endorse any move by any country antagonizing another Islamic country.
Unlike Saudis, Iran Backs both Sunni, Shiite Muslims
The Saudi regime has adopted a hostile approach of inciting countries against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the resistance axis while declaring open affinity to the Israeli regime which most world Muslims consider as their number one enemy. The Saudi regime also restricts its assistance to only Sunni Muslims. This is while Iran supports Sunni Palestinian resistance movements such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad Movement. Iran also offered unflinching support to other Sunni resistance movements such as the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and Bosnia Herzegovina just as it has backed Shiite organizations including the Hezbollah of Lebanon and mainly Shiite dominated Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq while declaring its total enmity toward the Israeli regime, global arrogance and imperialist powers.
The Saudi regime continually blames Iran for sectarianism while it is clear that Riyadh has been promoting tribalism and sectarianism as a way of boosting its dwindling fortunes in the region.
Igniting sectarian discord has negatively impacted the Saudi regime in the region as can be seen in Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.
Sectarian sedition is the only card left for the increasingly desperate House of Saud.  Unfortunately, this sedition has been spreading across the Muslim world courtesy of Saudi petrodollars and the gullibility or lack of knowledge of many Muslims who fall easy prey to such sedition.
Saudis Inspired by Zionists to Divide Muslims
It is a matter of fact that the Islamic world has diverse schools of thought or sects, nationalities and races yet the common denominator is shared fundamental beliefs. The Saudis, taking cue from the Zionists and imperialists, have used this diversity to ignite sectarian strife and conflict which will take years to heal.
Despite the Israeli, US-backed Saudi policy of spreading sectarianism among Muslim communities which previously coexisted peacefully, there are ongoing efforts to rescue Muslims from this sedition.
Many Muslims around the world are tired of these sectarian conflicts and working tirelessly to correct the situation. The Islamic Republic of Iran has offered leadership in terms of trying to unite Muslims and ending sectarianism in the Islamic World through annual Islamic Unity conferences in the country's capital Tehran where Sunni and Shiite Muslim scholars, intellectuals from across the world meet to engage in dialogue thus bringing much needed optimism.
Clearly, the damage done by the Saudi- Zionist-West axis in igniting sectarian strife and discord cannot be repaired immediately but the first step by Muslims to confront this mess would be by understating its root cause and who benefits from this evil.

Story Code: 579253

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Islam Times