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More Than Just Russia — There’s a Strong Case for the Trump Team Colluding With Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE

By Jeremy Scahill

http://www.informationclearinghouse.info , 12 Jun 2018 06:16

Islam Times - Jeremy Scahill breaks down the Trump Tower meeting Blackwater founder Erik Prince set up with a representative of the Saudi and Emirati royals and an Israeli who runs propaganda and media manipulation operations.

Donald Trump has fully embraced both official, legalized corruption as well as good, old garden-variety individual corruption. Did Trump directly conspire with Vladimir Putin and Russia to influence the 2016 election? That is certainly possible. Will we see concrete evidence of that, especially evidence that would stand up in a court? That also is possible. It is also plausible that Robert Mueller issues a public report that would be damaging, if not damning, to Trump, but for whatever reason decides not to or, because of Trump’s influence over the Justice Department, cannot pursue criminal action. We shall see. But this much is clear: It is a major mistake to place all focus on Russia. We know that Trump’s team has colluded with Israel. We know they colluded with Saudi Arabia. We know they colluded with the United Arab Emirates.

There has been much discussion of the secret meetings during the 2016 campaign held at Trump Tower with various members of Trump’s inner circle and family members. Recently we learned of yet another — this one reportedly took place on August 3, 2016, and was arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. He has served as a shadow adviser, not only to the Trump campaign, but also to the Trump administration. He was the guy that pitched Trump on this idea of a privatized force for Afghanistan and was also involved with pitching the idea of a private intelligence force that could circumvent the deep state. Prince and his mother were also major financiers of the Trump election campaign.

This meeting, first revealed by the New York Times, has raised serious questions from many news outlets and some members of Congress about whether Erik Prince committed perjury before the House Intelligence Committee when he denied any role in the Trump campaign and downplayed his meeting with a powerful Russian businessman in the Seychelles in January 2017.

At this meeting was George Nader, an American citizen who has a long history of being a quiet emissary for the United States in the Middle East. He also worked for Blackwater and Prince. Nader is also a convicted pedophile in the Czech Republic and he has faced similar allegations in the United States. Nader works as an adviser for the Emirati royals, and because he has close ties to Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince. There was also an Israeli at that meeting, Joel Zamel. He was there supposedly pitching a multimillion dollar social media-manipulation campaign to the Trump team. Zamel’s company, PSY Group, boasts of employing former Israeli intelligence operatives.

This group met at Trump Tower with Donald Trump, Jr. and, according to the New York Times, the purpose was “primarily to offer help to the Trump team, and it forged relationships between the men and Trump insiders that would develop over the coming months, past the election and well into President Trump’s first year in office.” Nader was reportedly offering help from Saudi and Emirati rulers and the Israeli was there to offer disinformation and propaganda services to aid in this effort.

Prince has reportedly been interviewed by special prosecutor Robert Mueller. Nader is now said to be cooperating with investigators — he has done multiple interviews with Mueller’s team and has also appeared in front of the grand jury. There is one major common link that runs through the agendas of all the participants in this Trump Tower meeting, and it is one which has gotten very little attention. And that is their shared hatred of Iran and their desire for regime change.

Story Code: 730949

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