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The ruling class in the Zionist Entity, who is it?

27 Dec 2011 05:50

Islam Times - Repeatedly, questions are raised about the nature of the ruling elite in the Zionist entity, what are the goals sought to be achieved through its internal and external policies, and what is the secret that lies behind its colonial and aggressive tendency towards its Arab and Islamic surrounding world.

The Zionist entity has been since its inception forming an irregular phenomenon at all levels. It is an abnormal political phenomenon that compiled Jewish group of people and communities from different parts of the earth to form an artificial nation that its components do not collect but only the Jewish religion as a factor, even that Ben-Gurion, one of the most important chiefs of the Zionist project, expressed his astonishment about this phenomenon. He said in this regard: “We have brought those immigrants from more than seventy countries, and they speak more than fifty languages. I do not know how I shall create from this odd mix one people. It’s much harder than it seems”.

Also, this Zionist entity is still forming an abnormal phenomenon at the political, cultural and historical levels. However, the only key to understand the nature of this abnormal entity and its reality is to understand the nature of the ruling class in this entity and to know its advantages and its source of uniqueness in various aspects relating to its origins and special colors.
The thing that truly expresses the identity of any ruling class is its policies and not the personal identity of its members.

Perhaps, the most notable thing in the policies of the ruling class in the Zionist entity is the subordination of economy to the politics, while the subordination of politics to the economy is customary in all the normal countries. The ultimate aim of every political behavior must serve the interests of the people and address their economic crises and problems, but the case with the Zionist entity is otherwise, where the entire economy is used to serve the political considerations and belongs to them.

The Zionist colonization was not established and did not progress as an ordinary colonial capitalist process moved by the profit-oriented considerations. The bourgeois elements in this colonial process, for example, prefer to use the power of the Arab labor, but the labor bureaucracy always fought this and called for adopting a policy that leads to the use of the Jewish labor only. There was a bitter struggle taking place between the two policies, it flared up in the twenties and thirties of the last century, and this was a fundamental struggle within the Zionist community in Palestine. The labor bureaucracy finally triumphed, mainly thanks to the support of the global Zionist movement to it. This support was based on political considerations, for the goal of the Zionist movement was from the beginning to establish an exclusive Jewish state in Palestine and to expel its indigenous population. “Theodor Herzl” has written in June 1895 in his diary: (The territories of the regions, which will be given to us, should be cultivated gradually from their owners, and we will try to move the poorest elements of the population out of our borders by providing them with work in neighboring countries, and they should be totally prevented from working in our country).

This deliberation that was illustrated by the global Zionist movement was the one that changed the balance of power in favor of the Zionists in Palestine by preventing the Palestinian workers from exercising their natural right to work in their homeland.

The Jewish bourgeoisie, which supported the employment of the Palestinian workers, was defeated in that battle.

However, what needs to be clarified in this regard is that the support of the Jewish bourgeoisie to the employment of the Arab workers was not because of its real support to them, but because they were productive and capable of working hard in agriculture more than the Jewish workers.

Following the defeat faced by the Jewish bourgeois elements, they accepted the role of a junior bourgeois partner of the Zionist bureaucracy. They formed together a new embryo of a dreamy class.

This special combination is still lasting, since the forties and until the present day, and no substantial change took place.
It is the combination that gives priority to the Jews at the expense of the Arab people, and it is the same that established the current apartheid regime in the Zionist entity.

This ruling class was kept in the dark and its formation was unclear, but over time it turned into a full ideology. It practically belongs to the family of the racist ideology that emerged from the European continent since the last century. It is a mixture of the bourgeois element with racist and fascist tendencies that revolve around the same old question. Can we apply the imperial colonial way to utilize the Palestinians or we should get rid of them by expelling them out of Palestine permanently!

Story Code: 125471

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