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Islam Times Exclusive:

American media's hypocrisy revealed once again: Newspaper fails to disclose Bahraini link

7 Jan 2012 19:55

Author : Jamshed Abbas

Islam Times - It has been revealed that the Washington Times ran an op-ed piece in favor of the Bahraini dictatorship without disclosing a lobbyist’s role in securing the op-ed page...

Salon.com's Justin Elliot broke the story in an investigative piece that pulled back the curtains on the cynical and hypocritical "free" main stream American media.

The op-ed, written by Lockheed Martin’s regional president for Middle East and Africa Vice Adm. Charles W. Moore (retired) ran on January 4th. Moore, as his title suggest, is the former commander of the infamous U.S. Navy's 5th fleet based out of the Saudi supported kingdom and currently employed by Lockheed Martin to secure billions of dollars in arms sales.

What the Washington Times failed to purposefully disclose is that a lobbying group that is paid $15,000 a month plus expenses by the Bahraini regime to boost its image in Washington aggressively pushed the Times' editor to run the story. Salon.com obtained emails exchanged between Time's editor David Mastio and Sanitas staffer B. Fryer. Lockheed and Sanitas were eager to join hands in defending a brutal regime that has killed thousands of innocent protestors for merely demanding their democratic rights.

What is worth nothing is not the fact that an American newspaper published an op-ed defending a brutal regime. Such hypocrisy is common and often on display within the American media establishment. The Obama regime recently sold $35 billion dollars’ worth of fighter jets to the Saudi regime. This is the same Obama that leads the charge on "human rights issues" in Iran while women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia and innocent people are routinely beheaded on charges of "sorcery." What is strange and somewhat shocking is how the Washington Times purposefully hid information that proved an obvious conflict of interest. The American media has always been a shill for corporate interests. Things have gotten so bad, however, that being caught red handed illicits nothing but a shrug.

Mastio did just that in defending his supposedly venerable news paper’s shocking complicity with a regime that routinely tortures and rapes its citizens. Mastio’s defense of his shocking promotion of a brutal dictatorship is an insult to all free people around the world:
“I don’t know further details on the relationship between the author and the PR firm [Sanitas],” he responded when confronted with his betrayal of his journalistic ethics.
It seems that real leadership in the U.S. belongs not to the President, nor Congress nor press. It belongs to the almighty U.S. dollar. The above case perfectly illustrates that point.
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