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Mumbai Shows Solidarity with Gaza amid “Israeli” Attacks

23 Oct 2023 02:17

Islam Times - Despite the police ban on rallies in support of Palestine, hundreds of people gathered at the Islam Gymkhana on Friday evening to express their solidarity with the people of Gaza, who have been facing relentless "Israeli" airstrikes for over 10 days.

The event, organized by Milli Tehreek, a civil society group, featured speakers from various backgrounds and faiths including its president Abu Asim Azmi, who condemned the “Israeli” aggression and called for an immediate end to the violence. The speakers also urged the Indian government to take a clear stand against “Israel” and support the Palestinian Cause.

The crowd carrying Palestinian flags and placards filled the first floor of the gymkhana and spilled into the lawns, chanted slogans such as “Free Palestine”, “Stop killing children”. They also held placards and banners with messages of solidarity and resistance.

The speakers said that “Israel” was violating international law and human rights by targeting civilians, journalists and medical facilities.

One of the attendees, Ahsan Sayed, said that he was inspired by the courage and resilience of the Palestinians. “The people of Gaza are resisting the ‘Israeli’ aggression with dignity and determination. The day isn’t far, when Palestine will be free and al-Quds [Jerusalem] would be a city of harmony and coexistence for all faiths,” he said.

The event ended with a prayer for peace in Palestine and in the world.

Story Code: 1090380

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