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Studying in Qum - an Interview with Mohsin Jafri

Muntazar , 3 Nov 2010 09:00

Islam Times - Definitely, and as the times keep rolling on, the need for students also keeps on increasing. Right now in the UK we seem to be going through a very interesting phase in which the march toward materialism has reached such a peak, that the spiritual world is practically laughed upon.

Sayyid Mohsin Jafri is 19 years old. He was born in the United Arab Emarites and spent the majority of his life in London, UK. He is a new student of the Islamic seminary of Qum who has just completed his Farsi examinations and is ready to be a full-fledged member of the Islamic seminary. Before moving to Qum he studied till his A-levels, concentrating on politics and philosophy.

Before you came to Hawza what kind of Islamic activities did you do in the UK?

I went to my closest center for most lectures as much as I could and I tried to visit and stay close to scholars as much as I could. Other then this I tried to help out wherever I could, for example with the Al Quds Day demonstrations or the demonstrations for the rights of the people of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan, these I saw as my religious duties.

What made you decide to come to Qum from the UK?

As I mentioned my main interests were in Politics and Philosophy. The way the western world seemed to practice both these sciences seemed very flawed and day by day I grew more and more interested in what Islam had to offer in regards to them. When I realized the strength of our religion and the depth of knowledge on offer regarding Social Sciences and Philosophy, it was a pretty straight forward decision to come to the center of Islamic studies in the world at the moment. Also, I am strongly indebted to those very humble few who helped me , not only stay strong in my beliefs, but also showed me the path towards the Seminary of the Holy City of Qum.

Do you think there is a need for people to come to Qum from the UK to the Hawza? Why?

Definitely, and as the times keep rolling on, the need for students also keeps on increasing. Right now in the UK we seem to be going through a very interesting phase in which the march toward materialism has reached such a peak, that the spiritual world is practically laughed upon. Materialism, with its many arms and swords raised against religion, needs to be put in its just place in this world. For this it is essential that those who have been born and brought up within that climate, stand up,understand their responsibilities, reach a level of understanding of issues faced by their communities and then return to defend true Islam within them.

How is life in the Hawza? How far have you reached?

Life in Hawza is pretty fast paced and its those who take it slowly, with concentration which happen to succeed. Luckily in this day and age the Seminary itself has strove to build exceptional facilities for the students to help them progress more easily in their studies. Their teaching methods are incomparable and the teachers themselves redefine what a teacher student relationship means in the west. For example, the Farsi program which I have just completed, takes a mere 6-8months at the end of which you can fluently speak farsi and understand most things you hear or read. This is a combination of teaching methods, teachers and facilities provided.

What is expected from students in the Hawza?

Students in the Hawza are expected to maintain a good standard of application of Islamic knowledge. Be it during class times, worship or in their day today lives. Unlike other places of learning, the Hawza judges the person on the potential he holds as much as the results he produces. So hard work and good marks are accepted rather then laziness and good marks.

What are your future plans in the Hawza?

One thing I have learnt from being here is that you are standing at the brink of the biggest ocean of knowledge available to mankind. Therefore, whatever direction you wish to jump in, you are safe and the dive will be deep. Personally I wish to study Fiqh and Usul and then move towards the Social Sciences further on in my studies.

What are you planning to do after you return form Hawza back to the UK?

Firstly I would like to work with my family relations and build them as strong as I can so we can move forward as one unit. I would also like to work closely with the local community helping out where ever I can.

Any advise for Muslims in the west?

Make sure your Aqaid are strong and do not cling to any doubts. Question as much as you want to but make sure you also go looking for the answers. Also, understand who the friends of Islam are and who are the enemies. Understand who is presenting the real image of Islam and who presenting falsehood. The truth is shining very brightly, we just need to open our eyes!

Story Code: 42717

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