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The Head of the Christians of Kaduna State: We Support Sheikh Zakzaki Revolutionary Movement

9 Nov 2020 11:30

Islam Times - The head of the Christians of Kaduna state, noting that there are rumors about the conspiracies planned by the Zionist regime and the Al-Saud regime against the Shiites, and especially the Shiite leader of Nigeria, stressed: As a Christian, I support Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki and his revolutionary movement. They offer humanity a true Islam based on love and peace.

According to the Islam Times, it has been almost 5 years since the arrest of "Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki", the leader of Nigeria's Shiites and the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, in the midst of global silence and with false accusations against him. Of course, in the meantime, only some legal organizations and institutions, such as the Islamic Human Rights Commission in London, are pursuing the case of this prominent Nigerian figure/cleric and his wife.
But so far, due to pressures from global arrogance and their allies, Sheikh Zakzaki and his wife are still imprisoned and even deprived of treatment, despite their poor physical condition. But Nigerians, including Shiites, Sunnis and even Christians, have seen and heard Sheikh Zakzaki's humane and just behavior, character and message.
They are still trying to take action despite the repression and pressure from the Nigerian government, albeit with the support of global Zionism and the Wahhabi regime of Al Saud.
and they try to achieve this goal by participating in peaceful demonstrations and protests, as they demand the unconditional release of this beloved figure.

In this regard, the correspondent of the Lebanese website "Islam Times" spoke with "Johanna Burrow", the head of Christians in Kaduna State, Nigeria, to discuss his views as one of the leading figures of Christianity and Christians in Nigeria on the subject of "Sheikh Zakzaki" and to be more informed about the oppression inflicted on him by the officials under the domination of Saudi Wahhabism and the Zionist regime.

Islam Times: You, who are supporters of Sheikh Zakzaki, as a Christian, what is the reason that you support Sheikh Zakzaki and the Islamic movement?

Johanna Burrow: As a Christian I am supporting Sheikh Ibrahim Yakubu El Zakzaky and Islamic Movement of Nigeria. They are very peaceful people and their leader Sheikh Ibrahim Yakubu El Zakzaky. They have supported, treated and protected Christians fairly and justly. Historically, since 1987 Kafanchan religious riot, 1992 Zangon Kataf communal crisis, Shari'a crisis in Kaduna, This Day beauty pageant 2002, post  election violence in 201, bomb attack at Trikaniya and Wusasa churches etc. The Sheikh and his followers help Christians in diverse ways and that is why we are supporting Sheikh Ibrahim Yakubu El Zakzaky and his followers. They presented a real Islam of peace and love towards humankind.

Islam Times: What aspects or traits of Sheikh Zakzaki's personality has made Christians follow and love him and even become a member of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria?

Johanna Burrow: I'm a Peace Ambassador in seeking for peaceful coexistence between different faiths in Nigeria and most especially in Kaduna and Northern Nigeria that led me to meet with El Zakzaky. Although I never liked him before because I was told that he was a fundamentalist who hate Christians. But at last I discovered it was not true. After my meeting with him severally, I discover alot of good things about his personality. He is humble, has passion and compassion for peace, humanitarian, honesty and sincerity, he is a discipline man, a just man, Frank person etc. We many Christians are supporting him because of his outstanding character and attempt to unite both Christians, Muslims and other faiths or religion together. 
Islam Times: What foreign elements and provocations have played a role in the tragedy and the oppressed killing of Shiites in Zaria? According to some news, this tragedy happened with the provocation of the Zionist regime and Al-Saud. What is your opinion?

Johanna Burrow: I am not sure but many have been saying that the problem of ideological differences within Islam that led to a divide between sunni and Shi'ite and the interest of Iran and Saudi Arabia plus Western world is in play in Nigeria and also in this conflict. My opinion here it may be possible but I may not have the fact for now but that has been the rumour or story being told.

Islam Times: Can you please tell me where "Sheikh Zakzaki" and his wife are currently detained and what is their physical condition? And since the Sheikh was taken prisoner, did you meet with him?

Johanna Burrow: They are  detained at Kaduna maximum prison. Their health or physical condition can never be be good because Nigeria prisons are not really good because of congestion etc. I have meet with him while he was with the DSS but I have not met with him or visited him in the prison with the excuse that there's covid-19. He invited me to see him but the excuse from the prison was the issue of covid-19.

Islam Times: Have Nigerian Christians taken action to free Sheikh Zakzaki?

Johanna Burrow: Yes, in so many ways Nigerian Christians have been calling on Nigerian government and so have joined some of the demonstration of free #freeElZakzaky and even calls from Christians and Christian leaders.

Islam Times:  As the head of the Christians group of Kaduna city, what is your request to the Christians around the world, who think like you and also to the Muslims and Muslim countries regarding the issue of Sheikh Zakzaki?

Johanna Burrow: As a Christian my religion enjoined me to do justice and support justice at all levels without any sentiment. Therefore, I am calling on Christians in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria, Nigeria, West Africa, Africa as a continent and the world at large to wake up from their slumber and stand for justice in favour of Sheikh Ibrahim Yakubu El Zakzaky and others across the globe. Muslims too must wake up from justice as enshrined in the Quran and Hadith's and make sure that justice is given to their brother Sheikh Ibrahim Yakubu El Zakzaky as Christians are clamouring for justice concerning Him.

Islam Times: Have you complained to human rights organizations around the world to follow up Sheikh Zakzaki's situation?

Johanna Burrow: Yes, I have and I am the representative of Human Rights Agency in Nigeria.

Islam Times: In the end, what message do you have for the free people of the world?

Johanna Burrow: My message to the free people of the world is that they should stand firm to see that justice is given to Sheikh Ibrahim Yakubu El Zakzaky and other prisoners of conscience around the globe.

Story Code: 896777

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