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Exclusive interview with Dr. Rashid al-Rashed:

The Martyrdom of Haj Qassem Strengthened the Idea of Resistance among All Oppressed Nations and Left a Deep Impression on the Hearts of Freedom-Lovers

24 Dec 2020 10:25

Islam Times - The leader of the Bahraini Islamic Action Movement - one of the opposition political forces - Dr. Rashid Al-Rashed pointed out the characteristics that were distinguished by the martyr Quds Force commander, General Qassem Soleimani, indicating he was distinguished by love and humility and he never cared about the military rank and the temptations of the military position.

Al-Rashed stated that the martyr Soleimani was distinguished by multiple qualities, and the most prominent of which is "The intense humility by kissing the heads of the soldiers that are stationed in the front lines in the battlefields without waiting for the official protocols due to that everyone looked up to him and salute him as a military leader, and no one saw him pay attention to the ranks and badges that all military commanders usually boast about."

He stated in an extensive interview with "Islam Times", on the occasion of the approaching anniversary of the assassination of the martyrs, and leaders, General Soleimani and Commander Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, that "as for the other feature that was unique to the martyr Hajj Qassem is that he was sincere and honest, and he was not ambitious to reach through his achievements for a position or to obtain something from personal gain and gain. He did not care about the military ranks and the temptations of the site as much as his thought, spirit, and whole entity was working in the service of the true principles and values in which he believed.

Regarding the relationship of the Bahraini political forces with the martyr Soleimani, he pointed out that, "Most of the political opposition forces in Bahrain know Hajj Qassem Soleimani as one of the important and influential figures in jihad and resistance, and they approached him more when he announced and declared his positive positions in support of the popular revolution in Bahrain."

The leader of the Bahraini opposition pointed out that "the martyr Soleimani left a deep impression in the souls of all freedom, honor and dignity lovers in the world, and thanks to his sacrifice, value, thought and culture of resistance has crossed continents and became a knight and a shining star for all freedom lovers in the world."

The following is the transcript of the interview:

The first question: To what extent do Bahrainis know Hajj Qassem Soleimani? How was their relationship with him before his martyrdom?

Most of the political opposition forces in Bahrain know Hajj Qassem Soleimani as one of the important and influential figures in jihad and resistance, and they got closer to him when he announced and declared his positive positions in support of the popular revolution in Bahrain. As for the people of Bahrain, they have a special connection to the Islamic revolution in Iran Ayatollah Khamenei, and they have appreciation and respect for His Eminence, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the field leaders who lead the battle of honor and dignity. The people of Bahrain will not forget the historical position of the martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani when he launched his clear and decisive stance to defend Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassem and his warning to the Khilafite regime not to harm him when they imposed the siege and house arrest on him. We assure that his position has the decisive effect on the Khilafite for not attacking his eminence in any way.

However, after the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem following the heinous crime committed by the United States of America, the incident of his martyrdom was a violent shock to the people of Bahrain, who spontaneously came out to denounce the assassination crime, immediately after the news of Hajj Qassem’s martyrdom was confirmed. It was a spontaneous reaction in which the people of Bahrain expressed their clear and decisive stance towards the assassination.

Most of the political opposition forces in Bahrain also issued special statements about the murder of Hajj Qassem and declared their full support for the response options that the republic will take under the leadership of Imam Khamenei, “May God Almighty protect him”.

The second question: What was the reaction of the Bahraini people to the assassination of Haj Soleimani in light of the restrictions imposed by the Al Khalifa in this country? Do you have any memories of this?

A word of truth must be said in connection with talking about the popular reactions that occurred after the killing of the martyr Hajj Qassem, that the people of Bahrain, without waiting much and since the early moments of dawn on January 3, went out spontaneously after dawn prayers in rallies condemning the crime as the first reaction recorded Practically on the assassination of the martyr. At a time when everyone was under shock and searching for sources after sources to confirm the news, the people of Bahrain were roaming the streets in spontaneous marches and gatherings denouncing the crime and calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities to stop the political assassinations and respect the principles of sovereignty in the countries of the world, and these marches took place despite the severe security conditions that the people of Bahrain lives in, as the Khilafiyya's repressive authorities impose an iron fist on the situation and suppressive measures for gatherings and marches.

The third question: What is the impact of Haj Soleimani’s school of thought among Bahraini  Citizens after his martyrdom?

The martyr Hajj Qassem left a deep impression in the souls of all freedom, honor and dignity lovers in the world, and thanks to his sacrifice, value, thought and culture of resistance has crossed continents and became a knight and a shining star for all freedom lovers in the world.

We can be certain that his martyrdom has brought about an important historical shift at the level of all peoples who suffer from oppression, oppression and colonialism, and the culture of resistance has begun to occupy the forefront of the thought of the free and honorable people in the world.

The fourth question: What is the secret of the influence of Hajj Qassem Soleimani on the hearts of the people despite the fact that he spent most of his life behind the mounds and in the battlefields?

The martyr Hajj Qassem was not just an ordinary soldier who won the honor of martyrdom in the trenches of the hot confrontation, or just a theoretician in resistance, jihad and struggle to defend honor, freedom and independence, but he was a leader and inspirer who translated in his life the meanings of giving in the confrontation in a practical way and uniqueness in his distinction of presence in the field and with his sincerity and sincerity in all the battles that he fought in order to defend the values and the Islamic Revolution.

Although he is a senior officer and has his military rank, I was surprised after his martyrdom that they searched everywhere to find a picture of him in the offices or what shows the prestige of the position, but they did not find a single picture for him in that position, and all they saw was his pictures as he wandered among the fighters in the battlefields while he was leading on the ground, operations to defend honor and dignity.

The fifth question: What distinguished Haj Soleimani in his career from others?

What distinguished the martyr Hajj Qassem in his career from others is that he was a humble earthly man in every sense of the word, as he bowed with great humility as he usually kiss the heads of soldiers the stationed in the front lines in the battlefields without waiting for the official protocols and due to that everyone would salute him as a military leader, and no one saw him pay attention to the medals and the badges that all military commanders usually boast about, especially those who achieved some overwhelming victories on the battlefields at their hands, and its brilliance takes them to the end of their lives, even if they have only achieved one victory. As for the martyr Hajj Qassem, he spent the bulk of his life on the battle fronts for more than 40 years and in more than one location and front line without leaving it except to land in another honorable location in which he leads the mujahideen and fighters to defend dignity and homelands.

As for the other feature that was unique to the martyr Hajj Qassem is that he was sincere and honest and he was not ambitious to reach through his achievements for a position or to obtain something from personal gain and gain. He did not care about the military ranks and the temptations of the site as much as his thought, spirit, and whole entity was working in the service of the true principles and values in which he believed.

Martyrdom was his great ambition and aspiration, and it was nothing else. He used to take advantage of every opportunity that he gathered in any assembly with others, except to ask them to pray for him for success in order to obtain martyrdom. And he used to cry a lot when he lost a brother and a fellow martyr in a battle, not affection towards a martyr or the departure of a friend or companion, but part of the heat of his crying that he was coveting martyrdom and did not obtain it.

Thus, he distinguished himself with this morals in his life, symbolized by giving for the sake of God and the desire to meet him, and God Almighty had given him this testimony as he wished after 40 years of dedication and sincerity.

The sixth question: What is the impact of the idea of resistance on the Bahraini revolution?

The martyrdom of Hajj Qassem has consecrated the thought of resistance not just in Bahrain, but in all peoples of the world aspiring to achieve freedom and independence for those who are suffering from oppression, oppression and colonialism, as he became a symbol and a torch for all free and honorable people in the world.

Story Code: 905928

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