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Islam Times' Exclusive Interview with Bahraini Political Activist:

With the Martyrdom of Soleimani, the Jihadist School of Islam has Become more Entrenched

27 Dec 2020 10:48

Islam Times - The Bahraini political activist and opposition figure living in London, Ali Al-Fayez, confirmed that, with the martyrdom of the Iranian Quds Force commander, Hajj Qassem Soleimani, the jihadist school of Islam has become more entrenched, indicating that “the help and support of the martyr, the leader of the peaceful Bahraini revolution, formed a balance and strength that prevented criminal plots against Bahrainis and their leaders.”

Al-Fayez added, "This support and importance came from the martyr leader Qassem Soleimani in his strong message of support and defense of Ayatollah Qassem."

The full text of the interview is as follows:

Islam Times: What does the first anniversary of the martyrdom of Commander Hajj Qassem Soleimani means to you?

Ali Al-Fayez: The martyr leader Hajj Qasim, may God be pleased with him, was one of the great Islamic leaders, and with his testimony the foundations of the jihadist school of Islam were further entrenched, as it is immortalized in history as a model and example which produced by this school, whose constitution is the Holy Qur’an. The school founded by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brilliantly that spread Islam and Imam Ali (PBUH) with patience, bravery and justice in his judgment, and Imam Al-Hasan Al-Mujtaba (PBUH) with his insight in front of the malice of politics and Imam Hussein (PBUH) with his courage and great testimony to preserve the authentic Islam Muhammadi.

Islam Times: How do you view his personality and testimony?

Ali Al-Fayez: Whoever follows the biography of the Leader Martyr, and whoever hears from those who worked with him and lived with him, viewed him as perfect role model in our time and an honorable qualities and personalities about which God spoke about in his book on the faithful companions of his Messenger (PBUH), where he stated: 

(Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. Thou seest them bowing and falling prostrate (in worship), seeking grace from Allah and (His) acceptance. The mark of them is on their foreheads from the traces of prostration. Such is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel - like as sown corn that sendeth forth its shoot and strengtheneth it and riseth firm upon its stalk, delighting the sowers - that He may enrage the disbelievers with (the sight of) them. Allah hath promised, unto such of them as believe and do good works, forgiveness and immense reward.)

This is what we saw clearly in the details of his testimony, as he was seeking mercy in the service of God and his faithful servants and with severity in the face of the enemies of God (ISIS) on the land of Iraq, and his testimony was carried out by a tyrant who was one of the staunchest enemies of God on the same earth.

Islam Times: Hajj Soleimani had a supportive stance for the popular revolution in Bahrain, how do you perceive that? Did his positions have positive effects on the course of the revolution?

Ali Al-Fayez: The help and support of the martyr, the leader of the peaceful Bahraini revolution, formed a balance and strength that prevented criminal plots against Bahrainis and their leaders.”

He added, "This support and importance came from the martyr leader Qassem Soleimani in his strong message of support and defense of Ayatollah Qassem."

Islam Times: How do the people of Bahrain view the personality of Hajj Qassem Soleimani?

Ali Al-Fayez: I think that the people of Bahrain, especially the youngsters, look at the martyr with respect, pride and love, and take pride in him, and that they belong to the same line of Imam (Khomeini) who is one of his jihadist leaders.

Islam Times: What is your assessment in the role of the martyr Haj Soleimani in the thought of the resistance?

Ali Al-Fayez: The martyr Soleimani is, in fact, one of the makers of this thought in a practical, mobile and active manner, in which Ayatollah Khamenei constitutes his reference and the supreme leadership for him, and constitutes his political, cultural leadership and media, as the martyr Soleimani was his jihadist field leadership.

Islam Times: What about the political scene in Bahrain, and where did things go? What do you expect in the near future?

Ali Al-Fayez: Bahrain has become a complex thorny file in the heart of the regional and international conflict, due to the regime’s complete separation from our people and its reliance on staying on the support of regional and international arrogance forces, leading to its declaration of normalization and the relationship with the Zionist entity, rather, what we understand from the statements of the regime and the Zionists is that this declaration is to form an alliance with the Zionists and the forces of arrogance to confront the forces of good and resistance from peoples, parties and governments.

Good things are happening and the beginning of the inevitable victory of our people and our nation, and in my belief that God Almighty, with his kindness, opened the doors and opportunities for us by exposing the enemies and hypocrites of their truth for our people and our nation, and we have to assign the task of walking and steadfastness in the choice of resistance to oppression and arrogance with our whole nation until God opens, we believe that this option is a choice for the better of the world and the hereafter, and it has the inevitable victory for Islam and the people who were oppressed.

Story Code: 906499

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