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Islam Times' Exclusive Interview with an Informed Source Present in Sheikh Zakzaky's Trial:

The Release of Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky and His Wife Was Issued : Nigerian Court

Islam Times , 28 Jul 2021 18:17

Islam Times - A source familiar with the trial in Nigeria said today: "At today's hearing, the release of Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, the country's Shiite leader, and his wife was issued.

According to the Islam Times, an informed source in Nigeria announced the release of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife in court a few minutes ago during a telephone call.

The source, who did not want to be named, in response to the question of what was the court ruling today? He stated: "Alhamdulillah (Thank God), the trial has ended today in favor of" Sheikh Zakzaky "and the judge has issued a verdict of release for him and his wife." 

As the sourced was asked: "When will the verdict of release of "Sheikh Zakzaky" and "Zinat Ibrahim" of his wife be executed and When will these two be released from cruel imprisonment?"
He replied: "In the end, the Nigerian government must implement this ruling, which means releasing Sheikh Zakzaky, and God willing, Sheikh and his wife will be released."

Meanwhile, Aaron Magashi, a member of Sheikh Zakzaky's defense team, told a news conference before the start of the trial today that according to the presentation of strong documents by Sheikh's lawyers, there is a lot of hope for his release.

Story Code: 945640

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