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"Lusi Iskanian", the Armenian representative of the Syrian parliament, in an Exclusive Interview with "Islam Times":

Haj Qassem Soleimani Did Not Limit his Work and Jihad to Islamic Groups

2 Jan 2022 09:25

Islam Times - The history of the struggle Gen. "Haj Qassem Soleimani" testifies that this martyr did not only gather the attention of the Islamic sects and groups, rather, he helped all Christians and was able to penetrate their hearts with his morals, humility and help them in the face of terrorists.

According to the Islam Times, the presence of Gen. "Haj Qassem Soleimani" in Syria and Iraq also reduced the severity of pain, suffering and suffering of Christians in the region, and this timely and tactical presence of Sardar Soleimani and his comrades strengthened the hearts of the Christians of these two countries and prevented the displacement of them, who have a population of hundreds of thousands; This is how the name of Gen. "Soleimani" is now famous and immortal not only in Iraq and Syria, but in the whole world. 

The martyr "Haj Qassem Soleimani" was full of faith and belief and had made every effort to confront the oppressive America and the Zionist movement and the Arab authorities who want to blow up the region in terms of religion and sect.

She added: Martyr Soleimani tried hard to rid the region and the Islamic world of the presence of American-Zionist colonizers.

Haj Qassem Soleimani did not limit his work and jihad to Islamic groups and sects, but testifies to the history and history of his struggles and resistance in Syria, the transition from these tribes to Christian tribes such as the Orthodox, the Catholics, the Armenians, and so on.

In the end she stated: In this way, the martyr "Haj Qassem" entered the hearts of Christians; And with his morals, humility and behavior and his character and his help to the Christians in the fight against the terrorists in their areas, he settled in their hearts. 

Story Code: 971625

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Islam Times