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Resistance Forces Encircled ‘Israeli’ Regime, Won’t Let Martyrs’ Blood Go in Vain: The Lions’ Den

1 Dec 2022 03:21

Islam Times - The Palestinian Lions’ Den resistance group reacted to the martyrdom of five Palestinians, including two brothers, by ‘Israeli’ fire during separate incidents in the occupied West Bank, stating that Palestinian resistance fighters have tightened the noose around the occupying ‘Israeli’ regime and that the fighters will by no means allow the blood of martyrs to go in vain.

“The blood of martyrs will not go in vain. The ‘Israeli’ enemy and his allies will be surprised by our unexpected actions. History and the Zionist regime will remember all these days very well,” the group pledged in a statement.

The statement added, “Lions’ Den pays homage to the five Palestinians who were martyred at the orders of criminal [former ‘Israeli’ prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and despicable [extreme-right leader Itamar] Ben-Gvir.”
“It is worth asking the occupying regime who has surrounded it. Freedom-loving resistance fighters have their fingers on the trigger and besieged the Zionist regime. ‘Israel’ and its allies will be caught by surprise in the aftermath of our unexpected measures,” the group highlighted.
The two brothers martyred on Tuesday were identified by the official Palestinian news agency Wafa as Jawad and Dhafr Rimawi, aged 22 and 21.
They were killed by ‘Israeli’ fire during confrontations with troops near the village of Kafr Ein, west of Ramallah.
Separately, a Palestinian man identified by the Palestinian Health Ministry as Mufid Khalil was killed by ‘Israeli’ soldiers during a military raid near al-Khalil.
Khalil was shot in the head, and at least eight others were injured, according to the ministry.
The health ministry said a fourth Palestinian was martyred after being shot in the chest by ‘Israeli’ soldiers on Tuesday afternoon during confrontations north of Ramallah. Wafa named the victim as Raed Ghazi al-Naasan.
Also on Tuesday, the ‘Israeli’ occupation forces shot and killed a Palestinian over an alleged car ramming attack near the Kochav Yaakov illegal settlement outside occupied East al-Quds.
The Zionist forces have recently been conducting overnight raids and killings in the northern occupied West Bank, mainly in the cities of Jenin and Nablus, where new groups of Palestinian resistance fighters have been formed.
Since the start of 2022, ‘Israeli’ troops have killed more than 200 Palestinians, including more than 50 children, in the occupied West Bank and East al-Quds as well as the besieged Gaza Strip.
According to the United Nations, the number of Palestinians martyred at the hands of ‘Israeli’ occupation forces in the occupied West Bank this year is the highest in 16 years.
Local and international rights groups have condemned the Tel Aviv regime’s excessive use of force and “shoot-to-kill policy” against Palestinians.

Story Code: 1027814

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