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General Ghaani Advises Zionists to Leave the Occupied Lands ‘Before It’s Too Late”!

20 Dec 2022 20:58

Islam Times - Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps [IRGC] Quds Force Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani said Tuesday the ‘Israeli’ occupiers had better leave the occupied Palestinian lands before it is too late, adding that Palestinians carry out 40 to 50 operations in the occupied West Bank every week.

General Ghaani made the comments in a memorial ceremony held to remember Hassan Irloo, the former Iranian ambassador to Yemen who was a chemical warfare veteran and died after contracting Covid-19 last year.

"Criminal America and its pet dog, the Zionist regime and some puppet governments in the region like Saudi Arabia, kill the Muslim people, and spent $7 billion in the West Asia region and Iran, which is the core of resistance, but their money did not work. Whatever scene they entered they failed and today they are thinking how it is that no matter how much they spend more weapons and money, they cannot win against the resistance of the people of our region," the IRGC Quds Force commander said.

Ghaani further pointed to the successes of the Axis of Resistance in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Yemen as examples that were inspired by the Islamic Revolution of Iran, saying that "If we look at every part of the region, we can see that the nations of the region learned the way to live with dignity and stood up and won inspired by the school of the Islamic Revolution, the school of Imam Khomeini and the incumbent Leader [His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei]."

Brigadier General Ghaani said about the situation of the Zionist regime "Today, about 40 to 50 operations are carried out against the regime in the West Bank alone. Today, the Zionist regime has weakened a lot."

He further pointed to the Western states and the ‘Israeli’ regime's increased pressure on Iran and said "they think that if they put pressure on the Islamic Republic, it will give in to their pressures and will not pursue its path [of resistance] anymore."

The Quds Force commander went on to say, "The day they assassinated Martyr Soleimani, we told them to sell their houses and leave Palestine. Today, we see in the occupied territories that old Jewish figures have created organizations for the exit of Jews from ‘Israel.’"

Ghaani finally advised the Zionists to leave the occupied Palestinian lands before it is too late…

Story Code: 1031193

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Islam Times