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IRGC General: Israel to Be Eliminated if Attacked from West Bank, Gaza, Golan

5 May 2024 22:32

Islam Times - Commander of Khatam al-Anbia Headquarters Major General Gholam Ali Rashid said the Zionist regime will be annihilated if it comes under attack from the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights.

In an interview, General Rashid referred to the operations Al-Aqsa Storm carried out by Palestinian resistance forces and the Operation True Promise launched by Iran's Armed Forces against the Israeli regime, adding they clearly proved the regime is highly vulnerable. 

General Rashid pointed to the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7 last year, adding the move laid bare the false grandeur of Israel which claimed to be invincible over the last seven decades. 

The Iranian General added only 1,100 Palestinian fighters had participated in that operation and this has turned into a nightmare for the Zionists. 

He said Hamas has more than 30,000 fighters, so one can imagine what would happen if 10,000 Hamas fighters supported by 10,000 Hezbollah fighters and 2,000 or 3,000 ones from the West Bank engage in an operation against Israel. 

General Rashid said if Israel comes under attack from the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Gaza, the regime will be eliminated. 

The top Iranian military commander also said under the guidelines of the Iran's Supreme Leader, the Islamic Republic should destroy Israel with the help from all Muslim nations and governments. 

He also said, the Centcom has set up an operational base in Tel Aviv, closely commanding the battlefield in Israel. While the French, British and American soldiers are fighting alongside them.

Story Code: 1133066

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