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Iraqi Fighters Hit Several “Israeli” Military Bases, Leviathan Gas Platform

7 May 2024 10:24

Islam Times - Iraqi Islamic Resistance has announced striking several “Israeli” targets in its latest round of pro-Palestinian operations.

In early Tuesday, the coalition released a statement, saying it had struck the “Speer military site” in the occupied territories, “using drones.”

Earlier, it had reported attacking three “Israeli” military bases in the occupied Palestinian territories and Syria’s Tel Aviv-occupied Golan Heights, as well as the “Leviathan” gas platform in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of occupied Palestine.

The operations, the group said, came “in support of our people in Gaza, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly.”

On Monday, the Iraqi resistance said it had targeted two “Israeli” military bases in the occupied territories with drones.

Staging its most daring attack since the onset of the “Israeli” war on Gaza, the coalition carried out a series of strikes, including against the entity’s spy agency of Mossad’s "Glilot" intelligence center in Tel Aviv on Friday, using advanced “al-Aqrab” cruise missiles.

Story Code: 1133376

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