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Islam Times Exclusive:

San Diego Sheriff Confesses Grim Reality of Detained Occupy Protestors

By Ibn Saeed

14 Nov 2011 09:42

Islam Times - The Sheriff Department of San Diego County, California, has confirmed that “Occupy San Diego” protesters who were arrested in late October had no choice but to relieve themselves while detained in buses and vans ...

Islam Times: Police in riot gear arrested protesters at downtown encampments in Civic Center Plaza and Children’s Park on October 28. The 36 men were placed in a Sheriff’s bus and the 14 women were put in Sheriff’s vans.

Due to the inability of basic restroom facilities though, the arrested demonstrators were left with no viable option but to relieve themselves while in the police vehicles.

“For the Sheriff’s Department to provide mutual aid in this kind of mass arrest circumstance is not unusual; this unfortunate result is very unusual and it is currently being reviewed,” the Sheriff’s Department said in a statement.

“The Sheriff has directed that a Critical Incident Review be conducted internally. Also, the Sheriff’s Department and the Police Department will conduct a mutual debrief to examine in detail how the operation was handled. From those reviews we will determine how to improve our practices to assure that this does not happen again.”

The act, which was in clear violation of basic First Amendment rights and liberties, is said to have not been taken likely by the demonstrators. It is reported that the “Occupy San Diego” protestors plan to file a request for a restraining order against the City and the San Diego Police Department.

An act that may help prolong any action the group tentatively may now plan.

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Story Code: 113890

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