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US police kill 15-year-old boy in Texas

5 Jan 2012 08:44

Islam Times - US Police have shot dead a 15-year-old boy armed with a pellet gun in the hallway of his school in the city of Brownsville in Texas State, officials say.

The officials said that police officers opened fire on the boy after he allegedly pointed the pellet gun at them.

"The subject pointed the weapon at officers, which in turn, the officers had to use deadly force," a police department spokesman said on Wednesday.

Police claim the boy was given plenty of time to follow police orders and lower the weapon. The boy, eighth-grader Jaime Gonzalez, was shot at least twice.

The boy had not threatened any students or teachers before he was shot dead.

Police launched an investigation into the incident, which left no other casualties.

Officials evacuated students to a nearby school and shut down all classes during the incident.

Story Code: 127840

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