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Nabeel Rajab: Qatif’s demonstration is the beginning of whole Saudi Arabia’s uprising

11 Jul 2012 05:53

Islam Times - Nabeel Rajab, the head of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights said “the uprising of t Al-Sharqeea is our too, their demands are our demands and their concerns are our concerns,” stressing on his solidarity with the people of Saudi Arabia.

After the Saudi authorities arrested Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, Rajab wrote on his Twitter page, "we will not hear condemnation and denunciation of the United States and Britain for the killing of demonstrators in Qatif, because they see their interests as a priority over the values of human rights."

Rajab added that the uprising of al-Qatif is the beginning of a revolution which will spread throughout Saudi Arabia, coming at a time when people across the Gulf region have a need for justice and democracy. He noted in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia the people wanted to see the same change, making their cause a common one.

The eastern region of Saudi Arabia witnessed on Sunday demonstrations against the regime and against the arrest by the security forces of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in Al-Awamiya. The prominent cleric was shot. Angry marches denounced the Saudi regime. As a result, two people were killed and dozens injured.

Story Code: 178164

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