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Saudi forces wear Bahrain police uniforms: Al Wefaq leader

24 Jul 2012 07:27

Islam Times - The leader of Bahrain's main opposition party, Al Wefaq National Islamic Society, says Saudi forces wear Bahraini police uniforms in their crackdown on anti-regime protesters in Bahrain.

    Sheikh Ali Salman, whose society is the biggest opposition group in Bahrain, noted that the Peninsula Shield Force uses Bahraini police uniform when cracking down on anti-government protesters.

The cleric emphasized that his group will never resort to arms and will continue peaceful protests.

Al-Wefaq has organized many anti-government demonstrations in Bahrain since the beginning of the revolution in February 2011. The Manama regime forces have been cracking down on the protests ever since.

Last Month, Sheikh Ali Salman was hit in the chest and shoulder by a rubber bullet and a tear gas canister on Friday, the movement said in a statement.

In mid-March 2011, Saudi Arabia deployed forces in Bahrain to help the regime in Manama crush anti-government demonstrations.

Protests have intensified in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom, with demonstrators demanding the downfall of the Al Khalifa regime.

According to human rights organization Amnesty International, scores of people have been killed during the protests.

Bahrainis hold King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa responsible for the death and arrest of protesters.

Story Code: 181663

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