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Saudi military rally at the Iraqi border

30 Sep 2013 08:06

Islam Times - Iraq Defense Parliamentary Committee has called on the government to investigate Saudi Arabia's recent military movement at the Iraqi border.

Officials have confirmed that Saudi troops have gathered near Iraq borders in a great show of force, which has left many puzzled.

Several members of the parliamentary committee have already expressed their disapproval, noting that such a gathering near Iraq's borders was not acceptable, especially in the light of so much tension in the region as a result of the Syrian crisis.

They called on the Foreign Minister to make an official enquiry.

Members of the committee further insisted that since Saudi Arabia is quite openly supporting terrorism in Syria by supporting dissident militias and groups linked to al-Qaeda, which elements paused a direct threat to Iraq and Iraq national security, the government should treat the matter of troops' movement at its borders very seriously indeed.
Moreover, military expert Majid noted that since Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Head of Saudi Arabia Intelligence Services is clearly intent on asserting its leading role in the Middle East as the Sunni super-power against the Shia community, more prominent in Syria and Iraq, the government of Iraq owed to pay close attention.
Majid declared that such a military buildup was yet another proof that Saudi Arabia is operating pressure against Baghdad in anticipation of potential repercussions over Syria.

"Bandar wants to achieve its agenda in Iraq and Syria at any price," he noted.

He added, "Saudi Arabia has been directly involved in the killing of Iraqis since it is supporting terrorists in the region as to pursue its agenda in the region ... Saudi Arabia wants to transfer terrorism to Iraq."
He warned the movement of troops aimed to secure key strategic sites and prevent terrorists from entering its own territories.

Story Code: 306792

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