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Thousands of young Gulf Arabs are missing in action in Syria

4 Oct 2013 05:59

Islam Times - Thousands of young Gulf Arabs have gone missing in Syria warned al-Manar TV this Wednesday explaining that well informed sources had estimated that about 400 militants had been killed by the Syrian army in Latakia alone.

Moreover, an estimated 2265 Saudi nationals have been reported missing in Syria over the past few months after the authorities encouraged them to enroll on Syria against the legitimate regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Saudi militants have entered into Syria through the Turkish border.
Their bereft families have approached the Saudi government, hoping the kingdom will help repatriate their bodies or establish their whereabouts. However since the Saudi authorities have denied any involvement, families have been unable to do anything so far.
Desperate family members have taken upon themselves to travel into Syria as to find out what could have happened to their loved ones, and more importantly to determine how they fell into such terror trap in the first place.
Saudi Arabia has been known for forcing convicts to enroll in Syria against promises their criminal records would be wiped clean and their offenses forgiven.
In a tweet an Egyptian Salafi leader, Hazem, reported that about 400 men had been killed in Lataki, 1200 wounded and 700 injured so badly they would have to be repatriated.
Syria has been battling terror militias since 2011.

Story Code: 308011

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