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Syrian Army Strikes Terrorists across Country, Kills 40 in Aleppo

12 Jan 2014 07:53

Islam Times - More than 40 terrorists, most of them are foreigners, were killed in a special operation carried out by an a unit of the Syrian armed forces in Retyan village in the northern countryside of Aleppo. The terrorists’ vehicles were destroyed in the operation.

Terrorists' gatherings were targeted northeast of al-Nnairab airport, in the vicinity of Aleppo central prison and the industrial city and in al-Zarzour, Jdaedieh, Maaret al-Artik and al-Ghali hill, according to SANA.
Two terrorist groups were eliminated on the outskirts of the al-Sayyed Ali neighborhood, al-Haidariya area in Aleppo and destroyed their cars, weapons and ammunition.
Members of a terrorist group affiliated with the Islamic Front were killed and others were injured when the army repelled their attempt to sneak from Adra al-Balad towards the sugar factory in Damascus countryside.
A number of terrorists were also eliminated in the eastern side of Jobar neighborhood.
The army carried out special operations targeting terrorist hideouts in the farms of al-Hajjariye and Douma, eliminating a number of terrorists, wounding others, and destroying their weapons and equipment.
Army units destroyed terrorist hideouts in the towns of Yelda and Bebila, eliminating a number of terrorists and destroying their weapons and ammo, while other units clashed with terrorist groups in al-Alali and al-Jamiyat areas in the town of Daraya, leaving a number of terrorists dead or injured.
Syrian Army units foiled terrorists' attempt to attack the people in Kafr Rish and al-Ashrafieh villages and crushed a number of terrorists' hideouts and gatherings in the neighborhoods and villages of Homs.
The army killed and wounded a number of terrorists in Bab Hood and Jouret al-Shyiah as foiled attempts of terrorist groups to infiltrate from Bab Hood into Homs castle.
Terrorists' hideouts and gatherings were destroyed in al-Qarabis neighborhood and al-Dar al-Kabira with all weapons and ammunition inside them. Armed terrorist group also was eliminated on the road of al-Zafranah-Deir Fool in al-Rastan countryside.
The army unit foiled terrorists' attempts to attack the people in al-Ashrafieh in Talbisseh countryside while another unit clashed with terrorists while trying to infiltrate into al-Hosn and al-Zara villages towards Kafr Rish leaving many of them killed and wounded.
An army unit targeted a hideout used by terrorist leaders in the village of al-Ghasbiye near al-Dar al-Kabira, killing a number of terrorists and injuring others, while another unit destroyed terrorists' gatherings in the town of Burj Qa'ie in al-Houleh area, leaving a number of them dead or injured.
An army unit inflicted heavy loses upon terrorists in Um al-Derj well, northwest old customs in Daraa al-Balad and destroyed the weapons and ammunition in their possession.
Scores of terrorists were eliminated southwest of al-Yarmouk school, West of shoes factory and west of Bilal al-Habashi mosque.
Army units eliminated armed terrorist groups in Sraqeb, Maart al-Nu'man and thwarted terrorists' infiltration attempt into al-Sawame' area in Bsida village, Idleb countryside, and destroyed their criminal tools.
Among the terrorists killed in Saraqeb were Abdulrahman al-Tasht, Mustafa al-Sheikh, and Amouri Diyab.

Story Code: 340293

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