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IRGC: We Will Support Resistance Wherever It Encounters Zionist Enemy

29 Jan 2015 05:32

Islam Times - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in a statement on Wednesday described defending the Palestinian people and their cause as its main mission.

"The IRGC sees protection of durable national security and support for the cause of the holy Quds and the Islamic resistance of the region against the fake and usurper Zionist regime as its essential, serious and holy mission in defending the Islamic Revolution in the strategic depth of the Islamic Iran and it will stand beside the Islamic resistance fighters in all battlegrounds to confront the criminal Zionists," the statement said.
It also appreciated the Iranian people for their mass participation in the funeral ceremony of Iranian military advisor Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi who was killed in a recent Israeli helicopter attack in Syria's Golan Heights, along with 6 Hezbollah members, and stressed that General Allahdadi's martyrdom alongside Hezbollah heralds formation of a united Muslim front against the occupiers of the holy Quds.
In relevant remarks yesterday, Commander of the IRGC Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari underlined that the Israeli regime had come closer to its final collapse after its recent air attack on the Golan Heights in Syria.
“The Zionist occupying regime is making its last moves and it knows that it is nearing its end,” Major General Jafari told reporters.
Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hussein
Salami warned that the recent Israeli air raid against Syria which killed a number
of Hezbollah members and an Iranian military officer will certainly be retaliated with a crushing response at an unexpected time and place, FNA reported.
"We will take the revenge from the Israelis for these martyrs' blood at a time and place that they don't expect," Salami said in Tehran on Tuesday evening.
Asked by reporters if Iranians should wait for Tehran's response to the Israeli attack, he said, "Yes, wait for the Islamic Republic of Iran's response."
Salami underlined that the resistance forces are gaining more and greater success in their combat against 'Israel'.
In the same context, the commander of Iran’s Basij (volunteer) Force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi warned that liberating the Palestinian territories from the Zionist occupation is easier for Iran than the 22-day and 33-day wars of resistance forces against 'Israel'.
"Certainly, freedom of Haifa and Tel Aviv is much easier for us than the 33-day and 22-day wars (between 'Israel' and the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance forces) since the Zionist army's doctrine is based on an offensive strategy and it has spent 60 years of its despicable and evil life with this doctrine," Naqdi said on Tuesday evening, on the sidelines of a ceremony to commemorate the recent martyrdom of Iranian military advisor Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi as well as the son of slain Hezbollah top commander Imad Mughniyeh and 4 other Hezbollah members in an Israeli air raid in Quneitra in Syria's Golan Heights last week.
"The Zionist army is familiar with this doctrine and knows well that it is much weaker in defense than offence; the Zionist army has so far failed 4 times in its invasions, and it will certainly have more humiliating defeats and failures in defense," he added.
Asked by reporters about Iran's promise to arm the West Bank and the level that region has been armed so far, Naqdi said, "Thanks God, they (the Palestinians) are growing more integrated each day" and more details will be revealed in due time.

Story Code: 435770

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