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Newly released photo shows Palestinians in Israeli jail in 1968

20 Sep 2015 06:10

Islam Times - A newly released photo reportedly shows Palestinian prisoners inside an Israeli jail in the West Bank city of Nablus some 47 years ago.

On Saturday, Palestinian Ma’an news agency released on its website the photo, which was reportedly taken in 1968.
The picture belongs to Fayiz Badr Youssef al-Ghurani, a former Palestinian prisoner and activist who is currently living in exile in Jordan.
Ghurani has identified the prisoners depicted in the photo.
Almost half a century later
On Saturday, the Prisoners’ and Former Prisoners’ Affairs Committee reported that seven Palestinian prisoners have continued their hunger strike for the 30th consecutive day to protest Israel’s illegal practice of administrative detention.
The committee further said that the Tel Aviv regime has intentionally placed the Palestinian prisoners in solitary confinement in a bid to force them to end their hunger strike, a tactic that has greatly endangered the health of the inmates.
Palestinian prisoners in several Israeli jails refused to take their meals on Saturday to show their solidarity with the hunger strikers, warning that they will also go on strike in case the regime continues to disregard the prisoners’ demands.
Back in July, Israel’s parliament (Knesset) ratified a law the allowed the force-feeding of the Palestinian prisoners who are on hunger strike in Israeli jails. The law garnered harsh criticism from rights groups that slammed the legislation as a form of torture to silence the Palestinian protesters.
Administrative detention is a sort of imprisonment without trial or charge that allows Tel Aviv to imprison Palestinians for up to six months. The detention order can be renewed for indefinite periods of time.

Story Code: 486483

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