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Islam Times Exclusive:

Hosni Mubarak in Israel

Islam Times , 16 Feb 2011 11:31

Translator : Aabid Waqar

Islam Times – A Palestinian website announced that Hosni Mubarak and family are residing in a luxurious hotel in Eilat, Israel.

Islam Times reports that the Palestinian site Al-Arab announced that Hosni Mubarak and family entered the luxurious hotel in Eilat, Israel by helicopter. An eye witness who did not want his name published said that strange movements were taking place outside of one of the luxurious hotels in Eilat.

He added: “Security forces surrounded the hotel and a large helicopter landed on top of it.” Security forces prevented this eyewitness from moving closer to the hotel. He was forced to leave the area. He then called his friend, who worked in that hotel, to see what was happening.
He continued: “My friend told me that Mubarak was staying in this hotel and that he was not able to give him any specifics.”

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