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US delegation, including Marco Rubio, visits Colombian border city of Cucuta

18 Feb 2019 06:55

Islam Times - US Senator Marco Rubio was in Cucuta, Colombia on Sunday, February 17, and spoke to a crowd of onlookers at the Venezuelan border, saying, "what is happening in Venezuela is a man-made crisis of epic proportions."

Rubio, after being asked a question about the prospect of US military intervention in Venezuela also said, "the only military intervention that exists today in Venezuela is a Cuban intervention."

The Florida Republican was joined by U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States Carlos Trujillo, and U.S. Representative Mario Diaz-Balart who are in this Colombian border city to view international humanitarian aid destined for Venezuela.

On Saturday (February 16), a U.S. military transport plane carrying humanitarian aid landed in Cucuta. The shipment was the second arrival of large-scale U.S. and international aid for Venezuelans, many of whom have scant access to food and medicine, since opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself interim president in defiance of socialist President Nicolas Maduro.

Guaido, who invoked constitutional provisions to declare himself the country's leader last month, arguing Maduro's 2018 re-election was a sham, has said aid will enter Venezuela on Feb. 23.

But it remains unclear whether Maduro, who has called the aid a U.S.-orchestrated show and denies any crisis, will allow the supplies to cross into Venezuela.

Story Code: 778631

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