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Reemergence of ISIS, King of Jordan Warns Thousands of Fighters Moved to Libya from Syria

14 Jan 2020 08:37

Islam Times - King Abdullah of Jordan has warned that ISIS terrorist group is once again on the rise in the West Asia, adding that “thousands” of terrorists moved from Syria to Libya.

In an exclusive interview with France 24 which aired on Monday, the monarch said that his “major concern is that we have seen over the past year the re-establishment and rise of ISIS, not only in southern eastern Syria but also in western Iraq.”

We have to deal with the reemergence of ISIS.

Moreover, thousands of terrorists have moved from Syria into another of the region’s terrorist hotspots, the king stated, implying they were able to travel there through Turkey.

Several thousand terrorists have left Idlib through the northern border and have ended up in Libya; that is something that we in the region, but also Europeans, will have to address in 2020.

The interview came ahead of King Abdullah’s EU tour, with the monarch scheduled to engage in talks in Brussels, Strasbourg and Paris later this week. The situation in Libya – and the inflow of terrorists the war-torn country endures – will be among the main topics of discussion with the European leaders.

 “From a European perspective, with Libya being much closer to Europe, this is going to be an important discussion in the next couple of days,” Abdullah said.

Story Code: 838368

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