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Zionists-UAE Ties Dagger in Palestinians' Back: Hamas

31 Aug 2020 23:21

Islam Times - In a statement on Monday, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) named normalization of ties between the UAE and Zionist regime 'a dagger in the back of palestinians'.

The statement was released in a reaction to the first-ever commercial flight from occupied lands of Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi took place on Monday. 

The rulers of Abu Dhabi continue to normalize ties with Zionists by signing a shameful agreement with that regime, the statement said, They have established the first official flight from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi, accordingly.

Meanwhile, Zionist crimes against the city of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque and land-grabbing in the occupied lands have increased and the Zionist regime continues its brutal siege and military attacks on Gaza, it added.

This is like a dagger in the Palestinian people's back and means establishment of occupation and a betrayal to resistance of Palestinians, the statement said.

The insistence of the rulers of the UAE will not change history, Hamas highlighted.

Occupiers will never be never welcomed by world countries, it noted.

This action of the UAE will not change the opinion of the Arab world towards the Zionist regime, it added.

Hamas backs the rights of the Palestinian people and calls on the rulers of Abu Dhabi to immediately withdraw from this vicious agreement, it underscored.

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement urged the Arab nations and political coalitions to take the required measures against normalization of ties with the UAE.

According to the Zionist media, the 737-900 El Al aircraft, named Kiryat Gat having 16 Business Class seats with one aisle, had Zionist so-called National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat, the US President Donald Trump's senior adviser Jared Kushner, US National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien, Mideast envoy Avi Berkowitz and envoy for Iran Brian Hook on board.

With the US as a matchmaker, the Israeli regime and the UAE agreed earlier this month to work toward normalization.

The provocative act and the strategic mistake of Abu Dhabi is believed to encourage the continuation of the crimes of the Zionist regime and as a result, it is a threat to the peace and security of the region.

The Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority Mohammad Shtayyeh said it is very painful to see a Zionist plane landing in the UAE.

Story Code: 883513

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