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Sayyed Houthi Reiterates Rejection of US Colonial Policy, Underlines Support to Axis of Resistance

29 Oct 2020 23:07

Islam Times - Head of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement Sayyed Abdul Malik Badreddine Al-Houthi stressed on Thursday that marking the Prophet Muhammad Birthday must be a chance of reforming the Islamic Umma’s situation, adding that deviating from the divine teachings would be the source of all vices across the world.

Addressing millions of Yemenis who took into the public squares in Sanaa and 11 provinces to mark Prophet Muhammad Birthday, Sayyed Houthi reiterated rejection of the US colonial policy in the region.

Sayyed Houthi also underlined the Yemeni support with all the free people in the Umma, especially the axis of resistance, in face of the US-Israeli tyrant.

The ruling regimes in Saudi, UAE, Bahrain and Sudan are the partners of US and ‘Israel’ in their conspiracies against the Umma, according to Sayyed Houthi.

Sayyed Houthi noted that the French President Emmanuel Macron is one of the Zionist regime’s puppets, adding that they push him to abuse Islam and insult Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Despite the destructive Saudi-led war on Yemen and the miserable living conditions which the Yemenis suffer from, the Yemeni public squares witnessed one of most crowded events which celebrate the Prophet (PBUH) Birthday.

emen has been since March 2015 under brutal aggression by Saudi-led Coalition, in a bid to restore control to fugitive president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi who is Riyadh’s ally.

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis have been killed or injured in the strikes launched by the coalition, with the vast majority of them are civilians.

The coalition, which includes in addition to Saudi Arabia and UAE: Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan and Kuwait, has been also imposing a harsh blockade against Yemenis.

Story Code: 894845

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