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“Israeli” Police Opens Probe into Ex-Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen

16 Aug 2021 20:52

Islam Times - “Israeli” Police launched an investigation into former Mossad director Yossi Cohen, following various allegations against him, including the receipt of a $20,000 gift Channel 13 reported on Sunday evening.

One of the cases involves Australian billionaire James Packer, who offered him this sum of money on the occasion of his daughter's wedding.

In a television interview in June, shortly after his tenure ended, Cohen first acknowledged the incident, although he added that he had consulted Mossad's legal advisor before accepting the gift and has said that he is committed to repaying it in full.
The Police are also investigating an additional case that Channel 13 reported, according to which the former head of the intelligence agency gave confidential information to a flight attendant with whom he had been in close contact for the past two years.
Depending on the outcome of these inquiries, a decision will be made on whether or not to open a full criminal investigation.

Story Code: 948967

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