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Ayatollah Khamenei Mourns Victims of Kunduz Mosque Attach, Calls on Afghan Officials to Punish Perpetrators

9 Oct 2021 22:17

Islam Times - Leader of the Islamic Revolution His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei has condemned the recent terrorist attack that targeted a mosque in Afghanistan's Kunduz, saying bloodthirsty perpetrators behind the heinous crime must be punished.

In a message of condolence on Saturday, Imam Khamenei said that the tragic incident caused a lot of grief and sorrow.

His Eminence further called on officials in the neighboring and brotherly country of Afghanistan to bring bloodthirsty perpetrators behind the heinous crime to justice and take the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies.
Imam Khamenei also asked God Almighty for mercy and blessing to the martyrs of the incident and the speedy recovery for the injured, and patience and peace for their families and the survivors.
At least 55 people were martyred on Friday after a suicide bomb attack on worshippers rocked a Shia mosque in the Afghan city of Kunduz.
The terrorist attack is the bloodiest assault since the Taliban takeover in August. It took place in the Khanabad Dandar area in the Khanabad district of the province while dozens of people were attending Friday prayer.
Daesh [the Arabic acronym for terrorist group 'ISIS/ISIL'] claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Story Code: 957982

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