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China Deplores Lack of Transparency in US Nuclear Sub Accident Probe

2 Nov 2021 23:41

Islam Times - China deplored the "lack of transparency" by the US and deemed it "irresponsible" for neither revealing navigational intention and exact location of its nuclear-powered submarine that met an accident in the South China Sea last month nor explaining the accident's consequences.

The US deliberately blurred the location of the accident by calling it "international waters in the Indo-Pacific region," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin on Tuesday, adding the US was implicit on whether the incident caused nuclear leakage or damage to the ocean, CGTN reported.

A US nuclear-powered submarine that was severely damaged while submerged in the South China Sea last month struck an "uncharted underwater seamount," the US Navy said on Monday. The investigation determined that the USS Connecticut grounded on an "uncharted seamount," according to the US 7th Fleet, which operates in the western Pacific.

The US should make a detailed explanation of the incident to address concerns of countries in the region and the international community, said Wang.

"We urge the US to stop sending warships and military planes to flex its military muscles, and stop actions that damage the sovereignty and security of other countries," he added.

Story Code: 961742

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